A control inspired by Apple's UISegmentedControl
that allows single, multiple and momentary selections and can display segments containing: only a title, only an image, or both at the same time.
- Allows single, multiple and momentary selections
- Segments may display titles, images or both at the same time
- Supports both light and dark appearance (only iOS / iPadOS 13+)
- iOS 9.0+ / iPadOS 13+
- Xcode 11+
- Swift 4.2+
Install it as a dependency of your Xcode project using Swift Package Manager.
let observers = NSMapTable<UberSegmentedControl, NSKeyValueObservation>(keyOptions: .weakMemory,
valueOptions: .strongMemory)
override func loadView() {
let items = ["Bold", "Italics", "Underline"]
let uberSC = UberSegmentedControl(items: items, config: Config(allowsMultipleSelection: true))
// Toggle segments 0 and 2 on
uberSC.selectedSegmentIndexes = IndexSet([0, 2])
// Disable segment 1
uberSC.setEnabled(false, forSegmentAt: 1)
// Handle value changes
uberSC.addTarget(self, action: #selector(uberSCChanged), for: .valueChanged)
// Alternatively, observe changes on `selectedSegmentIndexes`.
observers.setObject(uberSC.observe(\.selectedSegmentIndexes, options: [.new, .old]) { (control, change) in
if let oldIndexes = change.oldValue, let newIndexes = change.newValue {
print("oldIndexes: \(Array(oldIndexes)), newIndexes: \(Array(newIndexes))")
}, forKey: uberSC)
override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
@objc func uberSCChanged(_ sender: UberSegmentedControl) {
print("selectedSegmentIndexes: \(Array(sender.selectedSegmentIndexes))")
See TestPlayground.playground
for a full working example (requires Xcode 12+.)
UberSegmentedControl is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.