Contributors: roalvesrj
Donate link:
Tags: email, cpanel, dashboard
Requires at least: 5.0
Tested up to: 5.4
Stable tag: 1.0.0
Requires PHP: 5.4
License: GPLv3 or later
License URI:
cPanel® is a web hosting management software with a web interface.
This plugin was developed without any incentive from cPanel®. None of the developers of this plugin with ties to this company. This software is free and is not associated with cPanel®. cPanel® is a registered trademark of cPanel, L.L.C. This plugin is not affiliated with cPanel, L.L.C and is therefore not an official cPanel® product. Note that this plugin was made based on the Developer Documentation.
You can contribute to the source code on GitHub. Compatible with current versions of cPanel.