A Vim plugin to show all the UltiSnips snippets in a scratch buffer.
Just call :SnipBar
and it will open a scratch buffer to the right, 40 columns width, with all the snippets that are available for the current file.
Uses UltiSnips#SnippetsInCurrentScope
to get the list of snippets.
Call :SnipBar
again to close it.
Map it for even easier access, something like:
nnoremap <F9> :SnipBar<CR>
I don't know all the snippets I have available, so I wrote this small plugin to have a list of them always open.
Yes, I know I can also get the same list by doing <c-tab>
in insert mode.
Using vim-plug:
Plug 'robertbasic/snipbar'
There is nothing to configure.