A reasonably simple yet flexible Puppet module to manage configuration of InfluxData's Telegraf metrics collection agent.
There's a couple of fairly standard dependencies for this module, as follows:
- https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-stdlib
- https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-apt (on Debian / Ubuntu)
Telegraf's configuration is split into four main sections - global tags, options specific to the agent, input plugins, and output plugins. The documentation for these sections is here, and this module aims to be flexible enough to handle configuration of any of these stanzas.
To get started, Telegraf can be installed with a very basic configuration by just including the class:
include ::telegraf
However, to customise your configuration you'll want to do something like the following:
class { '::telegraf':
hostname => $::hostname,
outputs => {
'influxdb' => {
'urls' => [ "http://influxdb0.${::domain}:8086", "http://influxdb1.${::domain}:8086" ],
'database' => 'telegraf',
'username' => 'telegraf',
'password' => 'metricsmetricsmetrics',
inputs => {
'cpu' => {
'percpu' => true,
'totalcpu' => true,
Or here's a Hiera-based example (which is the recommended approach):
role: "%{::role}"
hostgroup: "%{::hostgroup}"
domain: "%{::domain}"
percpu: true
totalcpu: true
- "http://influxdb0.%{::domain}:8086"
- "http://influxdb1.%{::domain}:8086"
database: 'influxdb'
username: 'telegraf'
password: 'telegraf'
To configure individual inputs, you can use telegraf::input
Example 1
telegraf::input { 'my_exec':
plugin_type => 'exec'
options => {
'commands' => ['/usr/local/bin/my_input.py',],
'name_suffix' => '_my_input',
'data_format' => 'json',
require => File['/usr/local/bin/my_input.py'],
Will create the file /etc/telegraf/telegraf.d/my_exec.conf
commands = ['/usr/local/bin/my_input.py']
name_suffix = '_my_input'
data_format = 'json'
Example 2
telegraf::input { 'influxdb-dc':
plugin_type => 'influxdb',
options => {
'urls' => ['http://remote-dc:8086',],
Will create the file /etc/telegraf/telegraf.d/influxdb-dc.conf
urls = ["http://remote-dc:8086"]
Example 3
telegraf::input { 'my_snmp':
plugin_type = 'snmp',
options => {
'interval' => '60s',
sections => {
'snmp.host' => {
'address' => 'snmp_host1:161',
'community' => 'read_only',
'version' => 2,
'get_oids' => ['',],
Will create the file /etc/telegraf/telegraf.d/snmp.conf
interval = "60s"
address = "snmp_host1:161"
community = "read_only"
version = 2
get_oids = [""]
This module has been developed and tested against:
- Ubuntu 14.04
- Debian 8
- CentOS / RHEL 6
- CentOS / RHEL 7
Support for other distributions / operating systems is planned. Feel free to assist with development in this regard!
The configuration generated with this module is only compatible with newer releases of Telegraf, i.e 0.10.x. It won't work with the 0.2.x series.
Fork, hack, test, then raise a PR.