Table of Contents widget for the ArcGIS JavaScript API
One stand alone widget that nicely combines lots of Table of Contents/Legend functions for your ArcGIS JavaScript API web app:
- basemap gallery: choose between two basemaps.
- fade slider: controls imagery opacity over the basemaps. provides the appropriate esri/InfoTemplate for the visible layer in the esri Work_Imagery service.
- layer list: checkboxes to control visibility of individual layers, or toggle all layers on/off. checkboxes are enabled/disabled with scale dependant visibility.
- tabbed TOC: option to include tabs to separate your layers into categories within the TOC.
- legend: expand / collapse each individual layer's symbology (similar to ArcGIS for Desktop's TOC), or expand/collapse all.
- layer info button/window: a modal window that provides symbology, source/copywrite information of the layer, and the layer's description from the REST endpoint.
working sample and example code coming soon!
or visit here for a live look now (find it under the "Map Settings" list item in the side drawer.)