This repository contains the replication package of the paper submitted to Frontiers in Robotics and AI with the title Robotont 3 – an accessible 3D-printable ROS-supported open-source mobile robot for education and research.
The repository contains a coherent snapshot of Robotont's development to ensure a workable set of mechanics, electronics, and software to replicate the state presented in the paper. However, we encourage everyone to access the latest state of development in each linked repository.
If the content in this repository is helping your research, please cite us as follows:
title = {Robotont 3 -- an accessible 3D-printable ROS-supported open-source mobile robot for education and research},
author = {Eva Mõtshärg and Veiko Vunder and Renno Raudmäe and Marko Muro and Ingvar Drikkit and Leonid Tšigrinski and Raimo Köidam and Alvo Aabloo and Karl Kruusamäe},
journal = {Frontiers in Robotics and AI},
year = {2024},
doi = {TBD}
This replication package is structured as follows:
robotont-electronics/ Production files for ROBOTONT 3 printed circuit board
robotont-firmware/ Firmware for ROBOTONT 3 main microcontroller
robotont-firmware-power-management/ Firmware for ROBOTONT 3 power management microcontroller
robotont-mechanics/ Design files for manufacturing ROBOTONT 3
robotont_3_assembly_instructions.pdf Assembly instructions for ROBOTONT 3
robotont_3_bom.pdf Bill of materials for ROBOTONT 3
Clicking on the below image will open a YouTube video of an active Robotont 3 robot.