This is the source code for the Manning liveVideo: Surviving Kubernetes as an Application Developer
This section describes the layout of this repository.
- A .NET project for all common classes shared across servicesk8s
- Kubernetes YAML filespostgres
- SKAD PostgreSQL Docker files and scriptsVulnerabiltiyFeed
- The Vulnerability Feed service source and docker filesVulnerabilityFeedLoader
- Utility to load CVE data into the Vulnerability Feed
More services will be added as the project continues.
There are two container images that can be build: Postgres and Vulnerability Feed. In addition, it is often useful to run Postgres locally as a container in Docker while developing locally.
To build the Postgres container image: (starting from the root of the repo)
cd postgres/docker
docker build -f Dockerfile -t skad-postgres:latest .
Once the Postgres container image is built, it can be run in Docker and exposed locally on port 5432:
docker run --name skad-pg -d -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=secret skad-postgres:latest
Note that in this repository the password secret
is often used. This is not a realistic password. Passwords should not be committed to repositories.
To build the Vulnerability Feed container image: (starting from the root of the repository)
docker build -f VulnerabilityFeed/docker/Dockerfile -t skad-vulnfeed:latest .