- Project name: LTW18G03 - GrooveSwap
- Short description: Second-hand Music Store
- Environment: Web
- Tools: HTML/PHP/JS
- Institution: FEUP
- Course: LTW (Web Languages and Technologies)
- Project grade: 14.2
- Group members:
- Gonçalo Augusto Sousa (
- Rodrigo Dias Ferreira Loureiro de Sousa (
git clone
git checkout final-delivery-v1
sqlite3 db/database.db < db/create.sql
php -S localhost:9000
Register a new account.
Log in and out.
Edit their profile, including their name, username, password, and email.
Sellers should be able to:
List new items, providing details such as album, price, and condition.
Track and manage their listed items.
Respond to inquiries from buyers regarding their items and add further information if needed.
Print shipping forms for items that have been sold.
Buyers should be able to:
Browse items using filters like genre, artist, and title.
Engage with sellers to ask questions or negotiate prices.
Add items to a wishlist or shopping cart.
Proceed to checkout with their shopping cart (simulate payment process).
Admins should be able to:
Elevate a user to admin status.
Introduce new albums and other pertinent entities.
Oversee and ensure the smooth operation of the entire system.
We have been careful with the following security aspects:
SQL injection
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
Password Storage Mechanism: hash_password&verify_password
Aditional Requirements:
We also implemented the following additional requirements (you can add more):
Promotional Features, like one-time use Promotional Codes
Shipping Costs