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Rodion Moiseev edited this page Mar 9, 2020 · 19 revisions

Downloading C10N

Latest Release Version: 1.3

Please use the latest release version 1.3.

The latest version can be downloaded from Maven.

Currently there are three jars for you to download:

  1. c10n-core - Contains the main API and functionality (required)
  2. c10n-ext-guice - Contains Guice integration module (optional)
  3. c10n-tools - Contains c10n inspection module primarily for unit testing (optional)


Add the dependency and repository to your pom.xml.

<!-- optional Guice integration module -->
<!-- optional c10n tools module -->


Add to your build.gradle.


dependencies {
  compile group: 'com.github.rodionmoiseev.c10n', name: 'c10n-core', version: '1.3'
  //Optional Guice integration module
  compile group: 'com.github.rodionmoiseev.c10n', name: 'c10n-ext-guice', version: '1.3'
  //Optional c10n tools module
  compile group: 'com.github.rodionmoiseev.c10n', name: 'c10n-tools', version: '1.3'


Add the dependency and the resolver to your Build.scala.

"c10n" % "c10n-core" % "1.3" withSources()

Older Versions

Latest Development Snapshot

Just grab the latest snapshot jar from the snapshot repository, or use one of methods below.


Add the dependency and repository to your pom.xml.

<!-- optional Guice integration module -->
<!-- optional c10n tools module -->

And somewhere in <repositories> ... </repositories> add:

  <name>C10N Snapshots</name>


Add to your build.gradle.

    url ""

dependencies {
  compile group: 'com.github.rodionmoiseev.c10n', name: 'c10n-core', version: '1.4-SNAPSHOT'
  //Optional Guice integration module
  compile group: 'com.github.rodionmoiseev.c10n', name: 'c10n-ext-guice', version: '1.4-SNAPSHOT'
  //Optional c10n tools module
  compile group: 'com.github.rodionmoiseev.c10n', name: 'c10n-tools', version: '1.4-SNAPSHOT'


Add the dependency and the resolver to your Build.scala.

"com.github.rodionmoiseev.c10n" % "c10n-core" % "1.4-SNAPSHOT" withSources()
resolvers += "C10N" at ""