This repository contains the code for my solver for verification of neural networks as described in the paper Advances in verification of ReLU neural networks . It is based on my Master's thesis with the title 'Verification of Neural Networks' which can be found here (urn:nbn: de:0297-zib-74174). Furthermore, in the folder benchmarks are the test instances which were used for the computational study in the thesis. This includes the test instances for
- Neurify
- BaB of Bunel et al.
- Reluplex (for the computational experiments the fork of Bunel et al. was used)
and of course the test instances for our solving model based on the academic MIP solver SCIP. The file format of our .rlv input files is closely oriented at the format of Ehlers used for the solver Planet. If you want to define your own instances, please see the file
- Linux/Unix OS (we used Ubuntu and Fedora)
- Python 3.6+
- SCIP 6.0.0 or SCIP 6.0.1 (
- Our fork of PySCIPopt (
At, download the SCIP optimization suite. Use the hints at to install the SCIP. Please note that SCIP is available under the ZIB academic license (, which allows the free use of SCIP for academic, but not commercial purposes. You can use
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/custom/scip/path
make install
to install SCIP to a custom path. Then you need to clone our fork of the PySCIPopt repository and run
(sudo) SCIPOPTDIR=/custom/scip/path python3 install
from the repository root directory. This should install the PySCIPopt fork to the corresponding Python installation. Of course, you can use a Python virtual environment instead. Further instructions can be found here
Change into the folder src, i.e. cd src
Run python3
to execute a simple example. This will create a folder logs at the root of the repository. The configuration parameters can be changed directly in the file
For normal execution, use the following arguments:
python3 <path/to/test/instance> <path/for/logfile> <path/to/configuration/file>
The <path/to/test/instance> should point to an .rlv file as those under the folder benchmarks/scip. Please note that two log files of the form <path/for/logfile>.resultlog and <path/for/logfile>.runlog will be created. For example, you can run
python3 ../benchmarks/scip/ACAS/property4/3_7.rlv ../log ../configs/no_heur_base.conf