(More) Historically Accurate Europa Universalis 4
A mod that used to be a collaboration and composition of other mods to make the experience of Europa Universalis more interesting and historically accurate. || Today the mod is called More Historically Accurate Europa Universalis or MHAEU for short. || This mod tries to make the vanilla definition of EU more historically accurate and interesting, still trying to be true to the Vanilla experience. ||
- Count Flandy and the 1356 Developer team
- Luvencedus for Bischopric of Wroclaw
- Missions Expanded Developer team
|| Manual install:
- Download MHAEU.zip of any release (check descriptor version to see game compatible version)
- Extract files to Documents/Paradox/Europa Universalis 4/mod folder
- Open the descriptor file MHAEU.mod with a text editor
- Change the path with your username between /users/--/Documents/
|| Windows: Documents\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis IV\mod || Linux: ~/.local/share/Paradox Interactive/Europa Universalis IV/mod || Mac OS: ~/Documents/Paradox Interactive/Europa Universalis IV/mod || || Version:
- 2 (Major update)
- 6 (Feature update)
- 0 (Minor update)
- 1 (bug fixes)