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Optimizing with Partitioners

Rohit edited this page Mar 26, 2017 · 4 revisions

Last lecture, we learned about the hash partitioners and range partitioners, and also learned about what kind of operations may introduce new partitioners or which may discard custom partitioners.

Why would we want to repartition the data?

It can bring substantial performance gains, especially in face of shuffles.

We saw how using reduceByKey instead of groupByKey localizes data better due to different partitioning strategy and thus reduces latency to deliver performance gains.

By manually repartition the data, for the same example, we can improve the performance even further. By usnig range partitioners we can optimize the use of reduceByKey in that example so that it does not involve any shuffling over the network at all!

/* Same as before */

// CFF is a Swiss train company
case class CFFPurchase(customerId: Int, destination: String, price: Double)
// Assume that we have an RDD of purchases users of CFFs mobile app have made in the past month
val purchasesRdd: RDD[CFFPurchase] = sc.textFile(...)
val pairs = p => (p.customerId, p.price) )

/* NEW! */

val tunedPartitioner = new RangePartitioners(8, pairs) // 8 partitions
val partitioned = pairs.partitionBy(tunedPartitioner).persist()

/* Same as before */

val purchasesPerMonth = p => (p._1, (1, p._2) ) //uses partitioned instead of purchasesRDD
                                   .reduceByKey( (v1, v2) => (v1._1 + v2._1, v1._2 + v2._2) )

This gives a 9 times speedup in practical tests.

Partitioning Data: partitionBy (Pg.61-64: Learning Spark book)

Consider a media application that keeps a large table of user information in memory. Here users can subscribe to different topics.

  • userData: BIG Pair RDD, contains (UserID, UserInfo) pairs. UserInfo contains a list of topics the user is subscribed to.

The application periodically combines this table with a smaller file representing events that happened in the past five minutes:

  • events: SMALL Pair RDD, containing (UserID, LinkInfo) pairs for users who have clicked a link on a website in those five minutes.

For example, we may wish to count how many users visited a link that was not to one of their subscribed topics. We can perform this combination with Spark's join operation, which can be used to group the 1UserInfoandLinkInfow.r.t. theUserID` key.

Here is a program which does that:

val sc = new SparkContext(...)
val userData = sc.sequenceFile[UserIF, UserInfo]("hdfs://...").persist()

def processNewLogs(logFileName: String) {
    val events = sc.sequenceFile[UserID, LinkInfo](lofFileName)
    val joined = userData.join(events) // RDD of (UserId, (UserInfo, LinkInfo))
    // find the no.of links that the user clicks on that he is not subscribed to
    val offTopicVisits = joined.filter {
        case (userId, (userInfo, linkInfo)) => !userInfo.topics.contains(linkInfo.topic)
    println("No. of visits to non-subscribed topics: " + offTopicVisits)

This code works as desired, but it is very inefficient: The join operation is called everytime processNewLogs is invoked, and it doe not know anything about how the keys are partitioned in the datasets. By default, this operation will hash all the keys of both datasets (userData and events) sending elements with the same key hash across the network to the same machine, and then join the elements with the same key on that machine, although that data already existed since the pairRdd userData does not change.

Fixing this is easy! Use partitionBy on the Big userData PairRDD at the start of the program:

// change this
val userData = sc.sequenceFile[UserIF, UserInfo]("hdfs://...").persist()

// to this
val userData = sc.sequenceFile[UserIF, UserInfo]("hdfs://...")
                 .partitionBy(new HashPartitioner(100)) // create 100 partitions

Spark will now know that userData is hash-partitioned, and when join is called on it, Spark will take advantage of this information. So Spark will only shuffle the events Pair Rdd, sending events with each particular UserId to the machine that contains the corresponding hash partition of userData.

How do I know when a shuffle will occur?

Rule of Thumb: a shuffle can occur when the resulting RDD depends on other elements from the same RDD or another RDD.

We can also figure out if a shuffle has been planned or executed via:

  1. The return type of certain transformations. E.g.

    org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(String, Int)] = ShuffleRDD[366] //shuffle has happended or planned
  2. Using function toDebugString to see its execution plan:

    partitioned.reduceByKey((v1, v2) => (v1._1 + v2._1, v1._2 + v2._2)).toDebugString
    res9: String = 
    (8) MapPartitionRDD[633] at reduceNyKey at <console>:49 []
    | ShuffledRDD[615] at partitionBy at <console>:48 []
    |    CachedPartitions: 8; MemorySize: 1754.8 MB, DiskSIze: 0.0 B.

Operations that might cause a shuffle:

  • cogroup
  • groupWith
  • join
  • leftOuterJoin
  • rightOuterJoin
  • groupByKey
  • reduceByKey
  • combineByKey
  • distinct
  • intersection
  • repartition
  • coalesce

Common scenarios where Network Shuffle can be avoided using Partitioning

  1. reduceByKey running on a pre-partitioned RDD will cause the values to be computed locally, requiring only the final reduced value to be sent from worker to the driver.
  2. join called on 2 RDDs that are pre-partitioned with the same partitioner and cached on the same machine will cause the join to be computed locally, with no shuffling across the network.

Key Takeaways

How the data is organized on the cluster, and what operations we are doing on it matters!

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