A simple Wordpress config generator using environment variables.
The script will generate a working wp-config.php file to your desired location.
It will fill database informations using environments variables while Salts/Keys are generated using openssl random Hex values, like f181b8615a73bb0d39765c135c4...
- Openssl
sh generate.sh
sh generate.sh /path/to/wordpress
The script will need a few environement variables to be able to generate your config file.
- TABLE_PREFIX (Optional. Default: wp_)
- SALTS_SIZE (Optional. Default/Min: 64)
If you don't set it properly, it will tell you which one is missing.
- If no wp-config.php is in the given path then the script will generate a default one with the minimum requirements.
- If a wp-config.php file is already in the given path then the script will back it up (As wp-config.php.DATE_TIME) and only replace needed definitions.
- If the given path don't exist, then the config will be created next to the generate.sh file.