Vim plugin for super fast Cscope results navigation using quickfix window.
provides faster access to
Cscope database search queries within Vim.
Each type of Cscope query is just a keystroke away. Results are shown in a
quickfix window ready for
faster navigation. Paired with excellent quickfix-reflector.vim
plugin, quickr-cscope.vim
is a powerful tool for project navigation and
Biggest advantage of using this plugin is, it prevents the quickfix to jump to first result automatically. Thus preventing it to spoil your open buffer list.
- Quickly search for symbol, function name, file name, assignments under the cursor
- Quickly search for visually selected text
- Search results are shown in quickfix window, which is way more flexible for navigation compared to Cscope's fixed list
- Search term can be navigated using
in quickfix window for faster movement - Find the Cscope database and load automatically on startup
- Also works with GNU GLOBAL database
This plugin follows the standard runtime path structure, and as such it can be installed with a variety of plugin managers:
- Plug
Plug 'ronakg/quickr-cscope.vim'
- NeoBundle
NeoBundle 'ronakg/quickr-cscope.vim'
- Vundle
Plugin 'ronakg/quickr-cscope.vim'
- Pathogen
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/quickr-cscope.vim
- Manual
- Copy all the files in to your
- Copy all the files in to your
<leader>s : Search for all symbol occurances of word under the cursor
<leader>g : Search for global definition of the word under the cursor
<leader>c : Search for all callers of the function name under the cursor
<leader>f : Search for all files matching filename under the cursor
<leader>i : Search for all files including filename under the cursor
<leader>t : Search for text matching word under the cursor/visualy selected text
<leader>e : Enter an egrep patter for searching
<leader>d : Search all the functions called by funtion name under the cursor
<leader>a : Search all the places where the symbol under the cursor is assigned a value
P.S.: \
is the leader key by default. So the mappings are \s
, \g
, \c
, etc. unless <leader>
key is mapped to something else.
If you want to use your own key mappings, you can disable the default key
mappings by adding following to your ~/.vimrc
let g:quickr_cscope_keymaps = 0
Use following <plug>
s to your own liking:
There are 2 more additional <plug>
s available for global defintion to open the result in
a horizontal or vertical split.
For example:
nmap <C-s> <plug>(quickr_cscope_symbols)
nmap <C-g>s <plug>(quickr_cscope_global_split)
nmap <C-g>v <plug>(quickr_cscope_global_vert_split)
If you want to use GNU GLOBAL for searching your codebase, it can be done by
define following in your ~/.vimrc
let g:quickr_cscope_program = "gtags-cscope"
let g:quickr_cscope_db_file = "GTAGS"
If you're already using another Cscope plugin that loads the database, you can
disable this feature of the plugin by adding following to your ~/.vimrc
let g:quickr_cscope_autoload_db = 0
I'm not able to use Ctrl-T
to go back in tag stack like I used to before.
When you use quickfix to view results of a Cscope query, those results
are not passed to taglist. You need to use Ctrl-o
(jumplist) to go back to
where you were from a result.
When there are multiple matches for global definition, it doesn't open in quickfix window.
By default global definitions are not shown in quickfix window. This
behavior can be set by setting g:quickr_cscope_use_qf_g
to 1
let g:quickr_cscope_use_qf_g = 1
Copyright (c) Ronak Gandhi. Distributed under the same terms as Vim itself. See
:help license