Note: This library is no longer being maintained. I'm not responding to issues or pull requests, since I don't use this project anymore and don't have time to work on it. Please feel free to fork it if you want to continue development on it. Or you can use this library instead.
This library implements a subset of Epson's ESC/POS protocol for thermal receipt printers. It allows you to print receipts with basic formatting, cutting, and barcode printing on a compatible printer.
It is intended for Epson TM-T70 model, But other printers, produced by Epson or other vendors use the same standard, may also work.
//$device = new \Epson\Devices\NetworkPrinter('10.x.x.x');
$device = \Epson\Devices\Serial::create('/dev/tty0');
$printer = new \Epson\Printer($device);
$printer -> text("Hello World!\n");
$printer -> cut();
This library is a modified version of escpos-php, a Library to work with ESC/POS thermal printers, implemented by Michael Billington. Further documentation is available at
After the composer install in the same folder: