Assessing uncertainties related to the use of satellite remote sensing indices to estimate Gross Primary Production
- This is a repository by Ronny A. Hernández Mora that contains all the code and text to produce my thesis document.
- This repository also contains my slides used in my MSc defense
All materials, data, and code required to reproduce my research and thesis are made available here, to the best of my knowledge and abilities.
If you encounter an error while attempting to replicate a part of the analysis, please inform me by creating an issue.
For referencing the code included in this repository, please use the following citation format:
Hernández Mora, R. A. (2024). Assessing uncertainties related to the use of satellite remote sensing indices to estimate Gross Primary Production: Code and source files. (v0.0.7). Zenodo.
If you are solely referencing my thesis document, please use the following citation:
pending update
My research and MSc was funded by:
- Earth Observations for Regional Cumulative Effects - Research Affiliate Program from the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing.
- Graduate Students' Association Academic Travel Grant (University of Alberta)
- Mary Louise Imrie Graduate Student Award (University of Alberta)
Supervised by
- Richard Fernandes. Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, Natural Resources Canada
- Arturo Sánchez Azofeifa. Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta