- Description
- Setup - The basics of getting started with architux_postfix
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
This a postfix module, it's a minimal module :
- install postfix with postscreen
- push of configuration files
- audit db file's for compiling them
- compile db file's if needed
The idea behind this module is a strong separation code and data.
Code is in *.pp and data only in *.yaml file's (in data/)
In my case, i combine Postfix with :
- ldap
- postscreen
- sasl
- ssl/tls
- cyrus
- milters
- policyd
Today, only work on Debian.
Use this module with Puppet5 only please.
include postfix
or for override values
class { 'postfix':
configuration_directory => '/etc/postfix',
in your profile directory by example.
You can find all params on the top of init.pp
Push configuration file's in hiera, sources files must exists !!!
Define variables in hiera file's, don't forget to consult the hiera module file's in
Too long for describe.. read the example/common.yaml and the manisfest/init.pp files please.
Only work with debian..
No rules