Easily sign Google StaticMap API request urls with your API Key or Client ID.
Python 2.x and 3.x are supported.
Using StaticMaps Signature is pretty straight forward:
from staticmaps_signature import StaticMapURLSigner
staticmap_url_signer = StaticMapURLSigner(
public_key=YOUR_API_KEY, private_key=YOUR_SECRET)
signed = staticmap_url_signer.sign_url(URL_TO_SIGN)
This will return your URL appended with
If you wish to use your Cliend ID instead then just instantiate :class:`StaticMapURLSigner` like this:
staticmap_url_signer = StaticMapURLSigner(
client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID, private_key=YOUR_SECRET)
In case your URL already contains your API Key or Cliend ID instantiate :class:`StaticMapURLSigner` with your shared secret only:
staticmap_url_signer = StaticMapURLSigner(private_key=YOUR_SECRET)
If you want just to append your API Key to the URL rather than signing it just instantiate :class:`StaticMapURLSigner` with your key only:
staticmap_url_signer = StaticMapURLSigner(public_key=YOUR_API_KEY)
That's all there is for it.
This project is not maintained or supported by Google nor Google Maps.