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backend and API routes that would support an e-commerce site.

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Project Title - e-Commerce

Project Description

Back-end for an e-Commerce site.

Table of Contents


You'll need mysql, as well as the following packages. Please check out for installation instructions for MySQL.
You'll also need to install these dependencies.
"dependencies": "dotenv": "^8.2.0", "express": "^4.17.1", "mysql2": "^2.1.0", "seed": "^0.4.4", "sequelize": "^5.22.5" You'll also need to visit the dotenv web site to configure the sql logon information for sequelize.

Connect to and either fork or clone the repo.
Go the directory of the cloned repo and run npm i to install the dependencies.
To create the database, make sure MySQL is installed, and run this from the root of the e-commerce directory.
source db\schema.sql
Set the sequelize sync statement to true in the server.js file, and then type npm start in a terminal to create the tables.

Once tables are created, ctrl-c to stop the server and reset the sync statement to false.
Run npm run seed to put sample data into the tables.
then run npm start to restart the application server.

Video to show the steps to get the database running:
Set up database


API routes have been set up to return product data from the database tables. These API routes can be used for an application, or feel free to create your own.
This video shows examples of the functionality of the routes.




See contact information below to find out how to contribute.


These criteria were tested and resolved correctly.

Acceptance criteria
AS A manager at an internet retail company
I WANT a back end for my e-commerce website that uses the latest technologies
SO THAT my company can compete with other e-commerce companies

GIVEN a functional Express.js API
WHEN I add my database name, MySQL username, and MySQL password to an environment variable file THEN I am able to connect to a database using Sequelize
WHEN I enter schema and seed commands THEN a development database is created and is seeded with test data
WHEN I enter the command to invoke the application THEN my server is started and the Sequelize models are synced to the MySQL database
WHEN I open API GET routes in Insomnia for categories, products, or tags THEN the data for each of these routes is displayed in a formatted JSON
WHEN I test API POST, PUT, and DELETE routes in Insomnia THEN I am able to successfully create, update, and delete data in my database


If you have questions, reach out via email or GitHub
Gitub: GitHub Repository


backend and API routes that would support an e-commerce site.







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