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Black Box


This repository is a collection of components for a robotic black box, which is a device that logs data from different data sources and exposes a query interface for the data.

The black box has two major components:

  • data logger: A set of interfaces for reading data from different data sources and logging those data
  • query_interface: An interface for black box data retrieval

Both the logger and the query interface are exposed in both Python and C++; the Python versions are, however, newer and generally more up-to-date than the C++ versions (the C++ version of the query interface is in particular outdated currently). Note: We develop and test under Python 3; there are no plans for backwards compatibility with Python 2.

A collection of tools for working with data from the black box - aimed at offline data analysis - can be found in our separate black-box-tools repository. The black_box_tools Python package exposed there is also a dependency of the black box query interface.

Black Box Design Principles

The main design principles of our robotics black box are:

  • standard data format
  • data filtering
  • configurability

Our black box design principles were initially introduced in

A. Mitrevski, S. Thoduka, A. Ortega Sáinz, M. Schöbel, P. Nagel, P. G. Plöger, and E. Prassler, "Deploying Robots in Everyday Environments: Towards Dependable and Practical Robotic Systems," in 29th International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis (DX), Warsaw, Poland, 2018. Available:

which have, however, evolved in a few respects since that paper was published.

Data Format

General Principles

The black box stores data in a standard format, such that

  1. logged data are always associated with a timestamp and
  2. all data types are logged in a nested manner that reflects the underlying data type (in the original version of the black box introduced in the above paper, data were logged at a single level of abstraction, i.e. in an unrolled manner, but we've abandoned that design since it required manual conversion of data to the standard format, which was quite inconvenient and required a fair bit of manual processing - particularly in the case of logging ROS messages).


The standard format is best illustrated by an example. If we want to log a ROS topic of type geometry_msgs/Pose, which is defined as

geometry_msgs/Point position
    float64 x
    float64 y
    float64 z
geometry_msgs/Quaternion orientation
    float64 x
    float64 y
    float64 z
    float64 w

the logged data will have the following format:

double timestamp
    double x
    double y
    double z
    double x
    double y
    double z
    double w

The black box uses a MongoDB database for logging data, such that each data type is stored in a separate collection and data items belonging to that data type are stored in separate documents for each time step. In the above example, the items of the geometry_msgs/Pose message will be stored in a collection named ros_topic-name, where topic-name is the name of the logged ROS topic, ros describes the data source (in this case ROS) and, by convention, the _ separates the data source and data type names. The full names of the logged variables will thus be


The full variable names the ones we use for querying data.

Data Types With Lists

In the case of data types that contain lists, the full variable names unroll the items represented by the data.

For instance, let's say that we have a robot with four ultrasonic sensor and we publish their distances as a std_msgs/Float32MultiArray message on a distances topic, which will be stored in the format

double timestamp
double data

(in this example, we ignore the layout field of the message for convenience), the full variable names will be given as follows:


Data Filtering and Configurability

In order to deal with data that come from different sources (e.g. ROS, EtherCAT, Zyre) and have different formats, each data source is associated with its own data filter that - whenever necessary - converts the data into the previously described standard format and allows data preprocessing/filtering. These filters are configured through a configuration file, an example of which can be found in config/data_sources.yaml.

Query Interface

Data from the black box can be retrieved through a Zyre-based query interface that listens to JSON messages and responds back with JSON messages. The following message types can be sent to the query interface:


The C++ black box components depend on the following libraries:

Both Python components (the logger and the query interface) depend on the following packages:

The logger additionally depends on:

On the other hand, the query interface depends on our black_box_tools package.

Usage (Python)

The black box functionalities are exposed through a black_box package that contains two subpackages - datalogger and query interface. To install the package, run the command

python3 install

or, if only development setup is desired,

python3 develop

inside the pybb directory.

Inside this same directory, there are two executable scripts for the data logger and the query interface.

Data logger

To start the data logger, run

python3 [black-box-database-name]

inside the pybb directory.

Query interface

To use the query interface, run

python3 [absolute-path-to-a-black-box-config-file]

inside the pybb directory.

Compilation and Usage (C++)

The two major black box components - the data logger and the query interface - are compiled separately.

Data logger

To compile the data logger, run the following commands:

cd cppbb/datalogger
mkdir build && cd build && cmake ..

This will create one library - - and an executable black_box_logger.

To launch the data logger, run the command

./black_box_logger [absolute-path-to-black-box-config-file]

inside the previously created build directory.

Query interface

To compile the query interface, run the following commands:

cd cppbb/query_interface
mkdir build && cd build && cmake ..

This will create one library - - and an executable black_box_query_interface.

To launch the component monitors, run the command

./black_box_query_interface [absolute-path-to-a-black-box-config-file]

inside the previously created build directory.

Class diagrams (C++)

A UML-like diagram of the major data logger components is given below; the diagram is not exactly UML because the boxes contain more casual versions of the actual class names. Not all the components in the diagram are actively used and developed (e.g. the EtherCAT and ZMQ readers are not actively supported).

ROPOD data logger - UML diagram


A generic robot data logger for ROS, Zyre, and ZMQ data







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