A Clojure library that creates a common abstraction for bloom filters. Provides a single implementation that uses com.zaxxer.sparsebits to provide a sparse bit set.
The core of bloomin is the abstraction provided by BloomFilterStorage. It is a
simple protocol that defines the 3 operations needed for a bloom filter. These
are, bfsInsert
and bfsClear
. An implementation of BloomFilterStorage
should also provide a function that takes [^long entries ^double errorp]. That function
is used with the new-bloom-filter
function in bloomin.core. At that point the
functions in bloomin.core can be used to work with the bloom filter.
bloomin provides a single bloom filter implementation by default. It uses a sparse bit set to efficently store the actual bloom filter. An example of using it follows:
(ns bloomin.example
(:require '[[bloomin.core :as bloomin]
[bloomin.sbs :as sbs]]))
(def bf (bloomin/new-bloom-filter sbs/sbs-bfs 0.01 1000)
(def names ["mike", "eric", "sarah", "kimberly", "max", "alex", "emma", "lucy"]
(defn -main
(map (partial bloomin/bf-insert bf) names)
(map (comp println (partial bloomin/bf-exists? bf)) names)
(bloomin/bf-clear bf)
(map (comp println (partial bloomin/bf-exists? bf)) names)))