My personal collection of d3.js code snippets for Sublime 2 (Time Saver!!!!). To support me buy my iPad app Vista Point for Travel Enthusiasts (0.99$)
Browse to the following path on your UNIX system. Make sure you change the YOUR_USERNAME placeholder with your current user.
cd /Users/YOUR_USERNAME/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages/User/
If the folder 'JavaScript' doesn't exisits inside of this folder, create it:
mkdir JavaScript
Enter this folder:
cd JavaScript
I recommend to checkout the repository directly in this folder:
git clone .
Now you will see inside of the ./JavaScript folder, a bunch of .sublime-snippet files. Feel free to add new ones.
Restart Sublime 2.
After you've installed the snippets, you can trigger the insertion of a snippet by typing in one of the follwing commands inside of a .js file and pressing the TAB key afterwards.
The list of available snippets:
.a + TAB ==> .attr("",)
.st + TAB ==> .style("",)
circle + TAB ==> append("circle")...
rect + TAB ==> append("rect")...
text + TAB ==> append('text')...
line + TAB ==> append('line')...
polyline + TAB ==> append('polyline')...
path + TAB ==> append('path')....
polygon + TAB ==> append('polygon')...
group + TAB ==> append('group')...
xscale + TAB ==> var xscale = d3.scale.linear().domain(...
yscale + TAB ==> var yscale = d3.scale.linear().domain(...
randcol + TAB ==> '#'+Math.floor(Math.random()*16777215).toString(16);
join + TAB ==> .selectAll("").data().enter().append("")...
con + TAB ==> console.log('LOG:','')
dfun + TAB ==> function(d,i){ return ''}
margin + TAB ==> var margin = {top: 0 ...
gradient + TAB ==> var gradient = defs.append('linearGradient') ...
radial + TAB ==> var gradient = defs.append('radialGradient') ...
con + TAB ==> console.log("Log:", "");
filter + TAB ==> defs.append('filter')