This artifact supports the LCTES 2022 article JAX Based Parallel Inference for Reactive Probabilistic Programming. It contains:
: a modified version of the Zelus compiler with a new JAX backendprobzelus
: the original ProbZelus runtime for OCamlzlax
: the new ProbZelus runtime for JAXexamples
: several examples of ProbZelus programszlax-benchmarks
: the benchmarks to compare the OCaml and JAX runtimes based on the original ProbZelus benchmarklctes22-zlax.pdf
: the LCTES 2022 paper.lctes22-zlax-image.tar.gz
: the saved Docker image with everything installed.
The coin
example presented in Section 2 is provided in the file examples/coin.zls
and the tracker example presented Section 3 is in the file examples/hmm.zls
All the JAX support for Zelus and ProbZelus is new and defined in the zlax
directory. In particular, the node zmap
presented in Section 3 is defined in zlax/zlax/zlax/
and the inference engines are defined in zlax/probzlax/probzlax/
and zlax/probzlax/probzlax/
The Zelus to Python compiler via muF presented in Section 4 is an extension of the Zelus open source compiler. The complete compiler is provided in the zelus
directory. The new addition to the compiler is mostly defined in zelus/compiler/muf
Finally, the benchmarks used for the evaluation in Section 5 are provided in the zlax-benchmarks
directory. To reproduce the performance results, you need to have access to a GPU and install the artifact from sources.
The easiest way to run the artifact is to downlad the artifact from and to use Docker. It has been tried with Docker Desktop 4.7.1 (engine: 20.10.14).
The following command loads the saved Docker image lctes22-zlax-image.tar.gz
docker load --input lctes22-zlax-image.tar.gz
Then you can launch a shell in the container where ProbZelus is installed as follows:
docker run -ti --rm lctes22-zlax bash
In this shell, you can compile and execute an example with:
make test
This command compiles the program examples/coin.zls
to produce the file examples/
which is then executed for 20 time steps. It produces the following output:
zluciole -prob -n 20 -s main coin.zls
WARNING:absl:No GPU/TPU found, falling back to CPU. (Set TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL=0 and rerun for more info.)
(('cheater', False), ('mean', 0.6717269420623779), ('std', 0.11130373924970627))
(('cheater', False), ('mean', 0.7557700872421265), ('std', 0.06814471632242203))
(('cheater', False), ('mean', 0.8101494908332825), ('std', 0.041515689343214035))
(('cheater', False), ('mean', 0.8406216502189636), ('std', 0.029811734333634377))
(('cheater', False), ('mean', 0.8691132664680481), ('std', 0.019973836839199066))
(('cheater', False), ('mean', 0.8866547346115112), ('std', 0.014147775247693062))
(('cheater', False), ('mean', 0.8979822397232056), ('std', 0.010037769563496113))
(('cheater', False), ('mean', 0.9038761854171753), ('std', 0.00862805638462305))
(('cheater', True), ('mean', 0.9117443561553955), ('std', 0.0070923734456300735))
(('cheater', True), ('mean', 0.9166853427886963), ('std', 0.005953306797891855))
(('cheater', True), ('mean', 0.9246258735656738), ('std', 0.004949973430484533))
(('cheater', True), ('mean', 0.9284363389015198), ('std', 0.004679297562688589))
(('cheater', True), ('mean', 0.9336134195327759), ('std', 0.003929308149963617))
(('cheater', True), ('mean', 0.9360647201538086), ('std', 0.003770894603803754))
(('cheater', True), ('mean', 0.936414361000061), ('std', 0.0036349124275147915))
(('cheater', True), ('mean', 0.9377480745315552), ('std', 0.003548545530065894))
(('cheater', True), ('mean', 0.9395267963409424), ('std', 0.0033768112771213055))
(('cheater', True), ('mean', 0.9412149786949158), ('std', 0.0032705666963011026))
(('cheater', True), ('mean', 0.9443446397781372), ('std', 0.003037207294255495))
(('cheater', True), ('mean', 0.9484158754348755), ('std', 0.0025094265583902597))
confirms the use of JAX.
CUDA is not installed in the Docker image, JAX executes the program on CPU.
Remark. The instructions to install the artifact with a version of JAX compatible with GPUs are provided below.
You can also run a scaled down version of the benchmark by running the command:
make test_bench
This command compiles all the benchmarks, run them 3 times with the number of particles ranging from 100 to 500, analyze the results, and produces the graphs. WARNING: the execution is slow (about 20 minutes on our computer) and the performances results do not match the paper because the benchmarks are executed without GPUs.
To open the generated results you can first copy them outside of the container by executing the following command in a terminal outside of the container and then open the png
files in the plot
docker cp $CONTAINER:/home/opam/lctes22-zlax/zlax-benchmarks/plot .
should be replace by the container name that can be obtain with the command docker ps
The following instructions are assuming that you are executing a terminal in the Docker container as explain above.
The zluciole
tool compiles a ProbZelus program in Python/JAX and drives its execution.
For example, the file examples/counter.zls
contains a node that implements a counter.
let node main () = o where
rec o = 0 -> (pre o + 1)
The zluciole
tool takes as argument the number of time steps to execute (-n
option), the node to execute (-s
option), and the name of the file.
The node to execute must have type unit -> 'a
and can only call pure functions (functions with side effects cannot be compiled into JAX).
prints on the standard output the output of the program one line per instant.
$ zluciole -n 10 -s main examples/counter.zls
WARNING:absl:No GPU/TPU found, falling back to CPU. (Set TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL=0 and rerun for more info.)
The examples
directory contains the examples presented in Sections 2 and 3.
The Makefile
in this directory can be used to execute these examples.
$ cd examples
$ make
make coin # simulate the coin example
make hmm # simulate the hmm example
make hmm-plot # simulate the hmm example with graphical interface using gnuplot
make hmm-plot-ascii # simulate the hmm example with ascii graphical interface using gnuplot
make clean # cleanup
The coin.zls
program raises an alarm when we can be reasonably sure that an observed coin is too biased. In this example, we assume that the observations are always true
/head (the input of the cheater_detector
node is the constant true
in the main node).
node watch x = alarm where
rec automaton
| Wait -> do alarm = false until x then Ring
| Ring -> do alarm = true done
proba coin obs = theta where
rec init theta = sample (uniform_float (0.0, 1.0))
and () = observe (bernoulli theta, obs)
node cheater_detector x = cheater, (m, s) where
rec theta_dist = infer 1000 coin x
and m, s = stats_float theta_dist
and cheater = watch ((m < 0.2 || 0.8 < m) && (s < 0.01))
node main () = ("cheater", cheater), ("mean", m), ("std", s) where
rec cheater, (m, s) = cheater_detector true
To execute a probabilistic program, we must pass the -prob
option to zluciole
For instance, the following command executes the coin
example (cf. make coin
$ zluciole -prob -n 10 -s main coin.zls
(('cheater', False), ('mean', 0.6717270016670227), ('std', 0.11130374670028687))
(('cheater', False), ('mean', 0.7557703256607056), ('std', 0.06814475357532501))
(('cheater', False), ('mean', 0.810149610042572), ('std', 0.04151570796966553))
(('cheater', False), ('mean', 0.8406215906143188), ('std', 0.02981172874569893))
(('cheater', False), ('mean', 0.8691133260726929), ('std', 0.019973836839199066))
(('cheater', False), ('mean', 0.8866546154022217), ('std', 0.014147769659757614))
(('cheater', False), ('mean', 0.8979821801185608), ('std', 0.010037768632173538))
(('cheater', False), ('mean', 0.9038760662078857), ('std', 0.008628054521977901))
(('cheater', True), ('mean', 0.9117444157600403), ('std', 0.007092374376952648))
(('cheater', True), ('mean', 0.9166853427886963), ('std', 0.00595330772921443))
After 9 time steps, the condition (m < 0.2 || 0.8 < m) && (s < 0.01)
on the mean m
and standard deviation s
of the bias distribution becomes true and the alarm cheater
is raised.
The hmm.zls
program implements a simple 1D position tracker.
At each time step, we assume that the current position follows a normal distribution around the previous position, and the current observation follows a normal distribution around the current position.
proba hmm obs = x where
rec x = sample (gaussian (0.0 -> pre x, speed))
and () = observe (gaussian (x, noise), obs)
node main () = t, obs, m, s where
rec t = 0. fby (t +. 0.1)
and obs = 10.0 *. sin(t) +. (draw (gaussian (0.0, 1.0)))
and x_dist = infer 1000 hmm obs
and m, s = stats_float x_dist
As for the previous model, we can launch this program with the following command to obtain at each instant, the current date t
(incremented by 0.1 at each instant), the current observation obs
, and the mean m
and standard deviation s
of the estimated position x_dist
(cf .make hmm
$ zluciole -prob -n 10 -s main hmm.zls
(0.0, -0.6177732944488525, -0.21219289302825928, 2.1207327842712402)
(0.10000000149011612, 1.695770025253296, 0.6171027421951294, 4.265596866607666)
(0.20000000298023224, 1.8255577087402344, 1.1918796300888062, 4.415806293487549)
(0.30000001192092896, 0.6059656143188477, 0.9084848165512085, 4.367940902709961)
(0.4000000059604645, 4.3959431648254395, 2.6987271308898926, 7.60023832321167)
(0.5, 3.355968475341797, 3.0306355953216553, 4.389452934265137)
(0.6000000238418579, 4.826956748962402, 3.942495822906494, 4.642572402954102)
(0.7000000476837158, 7.527453899383545, 5.652518272399902, 6.94222354888916)
(0.8000000715255737, 6.175825119018555, 5.990218639373779, 4.096563816070557)
(0.9000000953674316, 6.605088710784912, 6.298244953155518, 3.929673194885254)
We can redirect this output to gnuplot to visualize the results (cf. make hmm-plot
or make hmm-plot-ascii
in the Docker container).
The directory zlax-benchmarks
contains the benchmarks used in Section 5 (Evaluation).
WARNING: you need a CUDA powered JAX installation to test the benchmarks on GPUs. In the paper we used Python 3.9 and CUDA 11.1. You can install the JAX version used for the benchmarks with:
make install_zlax_cuda
To reproduce the benchmarks you have to execute the following commands.
$ cd zlax-benchmarks # go to the benchmarks directory
$ make zlax_build # build all the examples
$ make zlax_bench # run the experiments and produce the data in csv file in each sub-directories
$ make zlax_analyze # analyze the csv files to produce some summary for zlax experiments
$ make zlax_plot # generate the graphs in `plot/*.png`
WARNING: the execution might take several days.
The scale of the experiments can be configured with makefile variables. For example the experiments can be launched for 1000 to 5000 particles with only 3 runs per number of particles as follows:
$ make NUMRUNS=3 MIN=1000 MAX=5000 zlax_bench
The same command can be executed in any sub-directory to run only the selected example.
The prerequisites for installing the artifact are:
- opam with OCaml version 4.13.1
- pip with Python version 3.9
- JAX version 0.2.25 (see for installation with GPUs)
To clone this repository and its submodules use the --recurse-submodules
option of git clone
$ git clone --recurse-submodules
The following commands installs the ProbZelus compiler and the zlax
Python package and tests the installation:
$ make init
$ probzeluc -version
$ zluciole --help
The Docker image can be recreated as follows:
docker build -t lctes22-zlax -f lctes22-zlax.docker .
Our compiler produces valid Python code that can be embedded in an arbitrary Python script.
For instance, the file counter.zls
is compiled into
which contains a declaration for each node, e.g., main
zeluc -jax counter.zls
Then in a Python script, we can execute 10 steps of node main with:
from zlax.muflib import init, step
from counter import main # import the compiled node
s = init(main) # create initial state
for i in range(10):
s, o = step(s, ()) # execute one step with input `()`
print(o) # print output