This repository contains starter projects for running katas in a variety of languages. All projects are using the latest language and framework versions (thanks to renovate) and run on any device straight out of the box using Visual Studio Code and devcontainers.
In the cloud: Select the language from below and click "Open in GitHub Codespace" or "Open in GitPod"
In VisualStudio Code: Select the language from below and click "Open in VisualStudio Code"
In IntelliJ: Click here to clone this repository in IntelliJ (requires Jetbrains Toolbox) and select your language either by opening one of the subfolders as a project or by switching the branch.
The general paradigm of this repository is to create self-contained, minimal starter projects that are least likely to (silently) break in the future and can automatically be kept up-to-date.
Any bootstrap project may be added to this repository, if:
- The language is not yet present or the test-framework enables a different paradigm than the bootstraps already present for the language (e.g. a cucumber or mutation testing tool, not just junit4 or testng)
- Dependencies and docker images are well-known and commonly used
- Avoids using custom Dockerfile-based dev-containers (they will have to be built each time a devcontainer starts)
- Uses only one testing framework and one assertion library
- One failing, and one succeeding test exists
- Version numbers are fixed (so they can be picked up and updated by renovate)
A bootstrap needs to contain a valid .devcontainer.json
that configures a container with all appropriate tooling. See any of the existing bootstrap projects for reference.
- swkBerlin/kata-bootstraps - A huge collection of kata-bootstraps in plenty of languages with plenty of different frameworks