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This file has notes for development. To use the library see ./projects/chichi-ng/

The gh pages project site

Dev Notes

Using the devcontainer

This project is setup to develop in a devcontainer such that the environment to run and debug is defined in the project. As long as you have VS Code and Docker Desktop installed.

see for requirements and setup.

In VS Code

F1 > Remote-Containers: Clone Repository in Container Volume

Provide repository URL or pick a repository source.

Clone a repository from GitHub in a Container Volume

Repository name (type to search)





If you make changes to the devcontainer.json or Dockerfile you need to rebuild the container via

F1 > Remote-Containers: Rebuild Container without Cache


This is a library don't run it.

Deploy by hand


ng build chichi-ng --prod
cd dist/chichi-ng
npm login
npm publish

then look at

Building a Release with build-release github action

The action defined in is triggered by a push of a tag in the form v*, for example v2.0.0. In the vs code devcontainer open a terminal and create a tag, then push it. See the action results at

node ➜ /workspaces/chichi-ng (master) $ git tag -a -m "test build-release action" v2.0.0-test
node ➜ /workspaces/chichi-ng (master) $ git push origin v2.0.0-test

Angular Components default to "display: inline"

I found this stackoverflow query answered by rryter a change in Angular v9.1 detailed in blog entry

I updated angular.json to add "displayBlock": true for future components in the library and demo

"@schematics/angular:component": {
    "displayBlock": true

and manually added "display: block" to the existing library components scss files.

:host {
    display: block

Fixing Bypass Panel laout

When I looked at the demo page I saw that the size of the panel always fills the width of the page and created an issue. I was also explicitly setting the height in the bypass panel to a fixed 480px, which isn't good.

I changed the bypass-panel .container to use "display: flex" and changed the panels to not have absolute position. I also removed the height on the .container so the height will grow to match the supplied content.

In the demo app component I styled the sign-up-or-in component to be 50% and centered left and right.

Fubar Fix

Updating from 8.1.1 wasn't working so I created a new project with angular 13 and then pushed it to the repo as branch angular13.

git push origin angular13 -f

I took master and created branch angular8 for posterity.

I then did this to replace master with the angular13 branch based on this

git merge --allow-unrelated-histories -s ours origin/master
git checkout master
git merge angular13

clean up global angular

npm uninstall -g @angular/cli
npm cache verify
npm install -g @angular/cli@latest

create monorepo project workspace

ng new chichi-ng --create-application false
cd chichi-ng

create the library

ng generate library chichi-ng --prefix cc

add the components to the library

ng generate component bypass-panel --project=chichi-ng
ng generate component turning-globe --project=chichi-ng

The Demo

In the project root I ran

ng generate application demo --prefix demo --style scss

I added a signup component that uses the slider

ng g component SignUpOrIn --project demo --selector sign-up-or-in 

I added the spinning globe component to a header on the app page

deploying the demo under the project gh pages

see Under source set Branch: master and /docs folder

ng build demo --configuration production --outputPath=docs/demo/ --baseHref=/chichi-ng/demo/
cp docs/demo/index.html docs/demo/404.html

Testing Library Components

The test turning-glob-component.spec.ts was failing with the error:

Error: Unexpected synthetic listener @spin.done found. Please make sure that:
  - Either `BrowserAnimationsModule` or `NoopAnimationsModule` are imported in your application.
  - There is corresponding configuration for the animation named `@spin.done` defined in the `animations` field of the `@Component` decorator (see

Because this is a library I don't want to include angular references and use peerDependencies in the package.json for angular dependencies that will be included by the user of the library. To get the test to work I added the BrowserAnimationsModule to the imports of TestBed.configureTestingModule()

  beforeEach(waitForAsync(() => {
      imports: [
      declarations: [ TurningGlobeComponent ]

Testing Scheduler Component

The scheduler components have inputs and use the VisualSchedulerService, so extra configuration is needed.


NullInjectorError: R3InjectorError(DynamicTestModule)[VisualSchedulerService -> VisualSchedulerService]:
  NullInjectorError: No provider for VisualSchedulerService!

Any component that uses the scheduler must have it added to the testing modules as a provider:

  beforeEach(async () => {
    await TestBed.configureTestingModule({
      declarations: [AgendaItemComponent],
      providers: [VisualSchedulerService]

also make sure the service is imported by path and not the chichi-ng

import { VisualSchedulerService } from '../../../visual-scheduler.service';


Inputs need to be set on the component:

beforeEach(() => {
    fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ChannelComponent);
    component = fixture.componentInstance;
    component.resourceName = 'resource-name';
    component.channelName = 'channel-name';


The Visual Scheduler Component

The visual scheduler will have its own module in the chchi-ng library

ng g module visual-scheduler --project=chichi-ng
ng g component visual-scheduler --project=chichi-ng
ng g component visual-scheduler/timescale --project=chichi-ng
ng g class visual-scheduler/timescale --type=model --project=chichi-ng
ng g class visual-scheduler/timescale-validator --type=util --project=chichi-ng
ng g component visual-scheduler/timeline --project=chichi-ng
ng g component visual-scheduler/resource --project=chichi-ng
ng g component visual-scheduler/resource/agenda-box --project=chichi-ng
ng g component visual-scheduler/resource/agenda-box/channel --project=chichi-ng
ng g component visual-scheduler/resource/agenda-box/timeline --project=chichi-ng
ng g component visual-scheduler/resource/agenda-box/agenda-item --project=chichi-ng
ng g component visual-scheduler/resource/agenda-box/drop-zone --project=chichi-ng
ng g class visual-scheduler/resource/agenda-box/agenda-item --type=model --project=chichi-ng

ng g component visual-scheduler/toolbox --project=chichi-ng
ng g component visual-scheduler/toolbox/tool --project=chichi-ng
ng g class visual-scheduler/toolbox/tool/tool-event --type=model --project=chichi-ng
ng g service visual-scheduler/visual-scheduler --project=chichi-ng

ng g class visual-scheduler/timescale-not-set-error --type=error --project=chichi-ng
ng g class visual-scheduler/timescale-invalid --type=error --project=chichi-ng
ng g class visual-scheduler/agenda-item-out-of-bounds --type=error --project=chichi-ng
ng g class visual-scheduler/agenda-item-conflicts --type=error --project=chichi-ng

npm install ngx-drag-drop --save

npm install luxon --save
npm install @types/luxon --save-dev

The Visual Scheduler TimeScale Concept

Implemented by the Timescale.model.ts

TimeScale Diagram

  • The Primary DateTime Unit is an hour or day depending on the size of the VisibleDuration/Viewport
  • The Bounds Interval is the start and end DateTimes where items can be scheduled.
  • The offset duration is a value between 0 and the bounds interval end minus the visible duration.
  • The visible duration can never be larger than the bounds interval duration or be positioned to start before or after the bounds interval start or end.
  • The Timeline always starts and ends on a Primary DateTime Unit
    • The Timeline will start on the primary datetime unit before the visible duration
    • The Timeline will end on the primary datetime unit after the visible duration
    • If the offset duration is zero, i.e. the visible duration starts at the start of the bounds interval, then the duration between the start of the timeline and the bounds interval start is denoted as the out of bounds start interval and is an unschedulable duration.
    • If the offset duration plus visible duration is within a primary datetime unit of the bounds interval end then the duration between the bounds interval end and the end of the timeline is denoted as the out of bounds end interval and is an unschedulable duration.

The Visual Scheduler in the Demo

ng g component event-scheduler --project=demo
ng g component event-scheduler/modal --project=demo
ng g component event-scheduler/item-editor --project=demo

Interactive Development of Library and Demo

ng build chichi-ng --watch
ng serve demo

Service Providers

I want each visual scheduler to use its own visual scheduler service so that if there is more than one on a page they don't mess up each other. In the VisualSchedulerService I set @Injectable(providedIn: null) so there isn't a default at the root level. I didn't add it to the VisualSchedulerModule as a provider so that there wouldn't be one for all VisualScheduler components. In VisualSchedulerComponent I added it to the providers. I mistakenly added it to the TimescaleComponent and TimelineComponent which made it so that when I zoomed in or out in the timescale the timeline didn't get updated. Watching set me straight.


The Karma Test Explorer (for Angular, Jasmine, and Mocha) [plugin: lucono.karma-test-explorer] makes it easy to run angular jasmine tests in the Test Explorer [plugin: hbenl.vscode-test-explorer] and see the status. It shows which tests pass in the test code and detects changes and reruns tests.

Code Coverage for Tests

The generate a code coverage report run this

ng test chichi-ng --no-watch --code-coverage

the results are rendered as html in ./coverage/chichi-ng

the trick is viewing the report inside the devcontainer. I added the Live Server [plugin: ritwickdey.liveserver] to serve up the files from the devcontainer to the host. right click on the ./coverage/chichi-ng/index.html page and select "Open with Live Server".

NOTE: rerun this after changing the tests.

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 13.1.3.