This is hopefully one repo to manage all the demos I've been accumulating or at least a place to dump the new ones. The goal here is to learn new things and test limits.
These demos are made using regl, plotly.js, and d3.js.
2D Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation, ∂u/∂t + ∇⁴u + ∇²u + ½ |∇u|² = 0 |
Periodic 3-body trajectories using RK4(5) Cash-Karp adaptive integration. | Rayleigh-Taylor and Kelvin-Helmholtz hydrodynamic instabilities. |
GPGPU Integration of particle geodesics in Schwarzschild spacetime (a black hole!) | Analytical fluid flow over an airfoil using the Kármán–Trefftz transform. Computed and visualized in a single GPU pass. | 1M particles interacting as a two-dimensional gravitational continuum |
Vortex, rendered as a single signed distance function | Umbilic Torus | Integrating Strange Attractors on the GPU |
Minimize the McCormick function using Powell's method with golden section line search. |
Chaos via the logistic map: x[n+1] = r*x[n]*(1-x[n])
Motion blur the simple way |
Tinkerbell map | Roots of a polynomial with random coefficients | Smooth Life on the GPU |
1D diffraction of a wave packet passing within a known range at a known time. | Frequency-domain solution of the 1D Schrodinger Equation with Perfectly Matched Layers (PML) | N-body gravitational trajectories using RK4(5) Cash-Karp adaptive integration. |
Classic fluid simulation from Visual Simulation of Smoke. | The Lamb wave dispersion relation in the complex plane | Computing the zeros of a complex analytic function via contour integration |
Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO) | GPGPU Erosion | 2D wave equation |
Rayleigh waves in an elastic medium | Ultrasonic waves | Flamm's parabaloid (subject to caveats, a representation of curved spacetime around a black hole) |
747 (modeled with Wings 3D) | Sailplane (modeled with Wings 3D) | K-means clustering meets Lorenz Attractor |
Brachistochrone (curve of fastest descent) | Fresnel reflection | Principle of Least Action |
Double-pendulum chaos | Potential flow over a cylinder conformally mapped into an airfoil via the Karman-Trefftz transform | Gaussian Mixture estimation via Expectation Maximization (EM) |
Three-Scroll Unified Chaotic System Attractor #2 (TSUCS2) | ❄️❄️ Fractals ❄️❄️ | Schrodinger |
Transfinite interpolation | 🕺 | Hyperbolic Grid Generation |
Carpet plots | GPGPU prefix sum | Catmull-Rom splines |
GPU particle simulation | Fun with the SoundCloud API, Part 2: this time with godrays | Fun with the SoundCloud API, Part 1 |
/*airfoil*/P([rn(0,7,.01). map(i=>(x=111*c(i)-10,y=111 *s(i)+c(t/1e3)*10,$=(x*x+y* y)/1e4,[x+x/$,y-y/$]))]).a( 'd',ln())
Numerical methods for the first-order wave equation | Recursion! |
© 2016 Ricky Reusser. MIT License.