The firehose API is a steady stream of all available data from a source in realtime – a giant spigot that delivers data to any number of subscribers at a time. The stream is constant, delivering new, updated data as it happens. The amount of data in the firehose can vary with spikes and lows, but nonetheless, the data continues to flow through the firehose until it is crunched. Once crunched, that data can be visualized, published, graphed; really anything you want to do with it, all in realtime.
[Data] + [Queue] + [Streaming] = Firehose
- Weather and temperature data
- Stock quote prices
- Public transportation time and location data
- RSS and blog feeds
- Multiplayer game player position and state
- Internet of Things sensor network data
Queue server support
- ActiveMQ
- Amazon SQS
- Apache Kafka
- RabbitMQ
Streaming Server support
- Amazon Kinesis
- Apache Spark
- Apache Storm
- Google DataFlow
- Bombay stock exchange historical stock price data.
- Apache kafka
- Apache Spark
Download kafka at your machine download kafka
- First we make a config file for each of the brokers
$ cp config/ config/
$ cp config/ config/
$ cp config/ config/
- Now edit these new files and set the following properties:
$ bin/ config/
$ bin/ config/
$ bin/ config/
$ bin/ config/
bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 3 --partitions 1 --topic test-firehose
- Update Kafka producer properties in application.yml
bootstrap servers: : localhost:9093,localhost:9094,localhost:9095
- Update Spark consumer properties in application.yml
bootstrap servers: : localhost:9093,localhost:9094,localhost:9095
zookeeper connect: localhost:2181
- Update data location in application.yml
data location: /Users/rohitkumar/Work/code-brusher/firehose/src/main/resources/data
$ mvn spring-boot:run
- spark-web-ui for the firehose job stats.
- Machine mac-book pro Processor - 2.7 GHz Intel dual Core i5 and Ram - 8 GB 1867 MHz DDR3 and 128 GB SSD.
Start with some intuitive batch interval say 5 or 10 seconds. If your overall processing time < batch interval time, then application is stable. In my case 15 seconds suited my processing and I got the performance.
JavaStreamingContext streamingContext = new JavaStreamingContext(sparkContext, new Duration(15000));
By default the number of concurrent jobs is 1 which means at a time only 1 job will be active and till its not finished, other jobs will be queued up even if the resources are available and idle. However this parameter is intentionally not documented in Spark docs as sometimes it may cause weird behaviour as Spark Streaming creator Tathagata discussed in this usefulthread. Tune it accordingly keeping side-effects in mind.
Running concurrent jobs brings down the overall processing time and scheduling delay even if a batch takes processing time slightly more than batch interval.
In my case :
"spark.streaming.concurrentJobs","1" - Scheduling Delay around - 3.43 second and Processing Time - 9.8 Seconds
"spark.streaming.concurrentJobs","2 - Improved - Scheduling Delay - 1 milli-second - 8.8 seconds
Spark gives a very powerful feature called backpressure . Having this property enabled means spark streaming will tell kafka to slow down rate of sending messages if the processing time is coming more than batch interval and scheduling delay is increasing. Its helpful in cases like when there is sudden surge in data flow and is a must have property to have in production to avoid application being over burdened. However this property should be disabled during development and staging phase otherwise we cannot test the limit of the maximum load our application can and should handle.