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Repo with test cases to reproduce a Java-C2-JIT problem


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Hotspot Compile Issue for While-Loops

The Problem

We updated our load test software and especially worked on the runtime of the report generator. While testing it before release, we noticed very unstable runtimes. A fixed data set sees runtimes between 5 to 14 min. The 5 min runtime is the expected one, while higher runtimes only occur occasionally. These range from 6 to 14 min in about 10 to 15% of the cases.

The report generator is multi-threaded and reads about 7 GB of compressed CSV data (56 GB uncompressed). This is a total of 722,176,188 lines. Because of the multi-threaded model, the order of things is always slightly different when processing the data.

Disclaimer: I am not an JDK/JVM/JIT expert. Everything you will find below is based on knowledge shared by others or gained by experimenting around. Your feedback is highly appreciated.


Because you might just say TL;DR now, here is a quick summary of all the data and experiments below.

When we show our Java code certain data first, it will compile machine code that contains still a lot of uncommon trap markers which seem to change the runtime behavior (just an observation, not a conclusion). When showing different data to the compiler later, it sticks to its opinion and the runtime suffers by a magnitude of 2 to 5. If we change the order of the data, the runtime behavior improves dramatically and even the data that was presented before first (which led to our possible horrible code), is running fine now.

This table summarizes the runtimes when training (warmup) and executing (measurement) of our examples CSV lines (see below). We have short CSV lines, long lines (unquoted), and long lines with a section being quoted (quoted). The difference lies in the inner loop not being finished regularly anymore, because we have to skip over characters, hence we break the loop with a continue outerloop.

Measurement Data

Columns are formed by the warm-up data, the later measurement data (run) is in the rows. The green numbers are the expectation (we used the same data for warming and measurement). The red numbers are the unexpected outliers.

Running this with GraalVM 22.3-19 produces even worse runtimes. We talk about 2600 ns/op now instead of 1000 ns/op for OpenJDK 17. No idea why, especially because the JIT of Graal is totally different but of course might follow the same basic ideas.

First Diagnostics

Async Profiler

When we caught a process in the act of being slow, we connected Async Profiler and got some traces. These are 60 sec captures and they show clearly a shift towards the CSV parser.


         ns  percent  samples  top
  ----------  -------  -------  ---
 45612243950    9.55%     4559  com.xceptance.common.util.CsvUtilsDecode.parse
 31634884015    6.62%     3162  itable stub
 25989872875    5.44%     2589  /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
 23561485986    4.93%     2355  java.util.regex.Pattern$Slice.match
 21140760305    4.42%     2113  vtable stub
 20569614899    4.30%     2056  java.util.regex.Pattern$BmpCharProperty.match
 19321839309    4.04%     1931  jdk.internal.util.ArraysSupport.mismatch
 18011700149    3.77%     1800  com.xceptance.xlt.api.util.XltCharBuffer.hashCode


       ns  percent  samples  top
  ----------  -------  -------  ---
384925806756   79.68%    38490  com.xceptance.common.util.CsvUtilsDecode.parse
  5582345351    1.16%      558  com.xceptance.xlt.api.util.XltCharBuffer.hashCode
  5393452865    1.12%      537  /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
  5132247709    1.06%      513  itable stub
  4932415970    1.02%      493  java.util.regex.Pattern$Slice.match
  4400943650    0.91%      440  com.xceptance.xlt.api.util.XltCharBuffer.viewFromTo
  4381854811    0.91%      438  java.util.regex.Pattern$BmpCharProperty.match
  3881428022    0.80%      388  vtable stub


Because it seems that the compiled code differs occasionally, we looked at the compilation for that very method. This screenshot shows four different captures (displayed using JITWatch).

JITWatch compile stages

There seem to be a pattern related to the slowness, the C2 OSR compiler compiled last. In all other cases, the performance was good. It is also clearly visible, that the outcome of the compile runs in regards to size, even when seeing the code results, is different. Therefore, it seems, the data presented heavily drives the decisions made by the JIT.

Because of that, we inspected the resulting compiled code closer using what JITWatch tells us.

JITWatch Triview

JITWatch marks an area in red and tells us that this code owns four additional uncommon traps while the good code version does not have any of these.

Added Traps


Based on the observation, profiling, and knowing the data that goes into the parser, we came up with the following theory:

When the parser code sees a certain CSV line length or CSV data content early, it will come up with a compile result that is, bluntly spoken, horrible. The compiler will also not reconsider its decision later, hence the program stays extremely slow forever. Due to the multi-threading of the CSV processing, the order of CSV lines is not deterministic. Because this problem only occurs in 10 to 15% of the case, the data causing it must be "rare" too.

Let's find some possible simple test cases that exactly exhibits the behavior we see under load. This might allow us to better understand the problem and possible submit it as a defect or publish it as a learning experience.

We will take the extreme cases of our data and try to construct some test cases.


For this test, we use three lines of CSV data. The long versions are displayed in a shorted version here, to highlight the difference. You find the long version in the source code.

  • SHORT: T,TFlashCheckout,1666958662310,17729,false,,,,
  • LONG Unquoted: R,CandleDaySalesPage.2,1666954266805,95,false,1349,429,200,https://<huge url here>,image/gif,0,0,95,0,95,95,,GET,,,0,,
  • LONG Quoted: R,CandleDaySalesPage.2,1666954266805,95,false,1349,429,200,"https://<huge url here>",image/gif,0,0,95,0,95,95,,GET,,,0,,

As you can see, the long version only differs in one spot - additional quotes around the URL, because it might contains commas. The parsing will change here and inline remove the quotes while parsing the data. The entire parsing is optimized towards low or no allocation, because we have to parse millions of these lines. This is also the reason while we are not running String parsing here, but access a custom char array which later returns views on that backing array instead of providing copies.

This quoted version is very rare, because commas in urls are not often used.

Test Case

Our test case utilizes JMH and uses a trick to be able to use different data during warm-up. There might be another way of doing it, but I could not find an JMH-API exposes the state of the test.

The regular test cases are just using a single character array (the parser prefers open writable arrays over Strings), and runs the benchmark for that. See all B03 test cases. The advanced test case, where warm-up and measurement data have to differ, keeps a state counters and calls setup per invocation. See the B05 test cases.

Measurements and Results

All measurements have been taken on a Google Cloud c2-standard-8 instance. Similar data has been seen on a Lenovo T14s AMD.

Update: Data for latest JDK21.ea.29, Eclipse J9, and Azul Zing have been added. It is interesting to see that J9 has a general training imbalance for quoted data and Zing has in general larger runtimes. Neither J9 or Zing are officially supported by JMH, hence we have to take the numbers with a grain of salt.

Additionally, I updated the JDK21.ea.25 data as well. It seems, that JDK 21 is in some areas significantly slower than JDK 17.

Measurement Data

We compiled additional test cases to vary data a little more.

  • B07 - Train with single line data, measure the long lines only
  • B08 - Train with single line data, measure with all line types
  • B10 - Train with all, measure with all

Measurement Data

The differences are not as big as with the single runs, but that is also related to the averaging effect of the data lines. Training with small and quoted leads to a larger runtimes difference when runnig just against the long data, but for mixed execution and mixed training, no differences are visible.


This section discusses feedback I got on social media and via email.


Disabling tiered compilation does not have any effect.

Measurement Data


For completeness, we added measurements for each compiler level. Level 3 produces the interesing values, because a lot of profiling code is still part of the code. When we train with quoted, we get runtimes different from the others due to the different set of profiling instructions. It already shows the tendency to be slower as we see finally with level 4. This is an observation, not a conclusion.

Measurement Data


Repo with test cases to reproduce a Java-C2-JIT problem







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