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A minimal and portable JSON tokenizer for building highly effective and strict parsers (in C and C++)


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JSON Tokenizer (jsont)

A minimal and portable JSON tokenizer written in standard C and C++ (two separate versions). Performs validating and highly efficient parsing suitable for reading JSON directly into custom data structures. There are no code dependencies — simply include jsont.{h,hh,c,cc} in your project.

Build and run unit tests:




jsont_ctx_t* S = jsont_create(0);
jsont_reset(S, uint8_t* inbuf, size_t inbuf_len);
tok = jsont_next(S)
// branch on `tok` ...
V = jsont_*_value(S[, ...]);

New C++ API:

jsont::Tokenizer S(const char* inbuf, size_t length);
jsont::Token token;
while ((token = {
  if (token == jsont::Float) {
    printf("%g\n", S.floatValue());
  } ... else if (t == jsont::Error) {
    // handle error
jsont::Builder json;
      .value("nine \"ten\"")
std::cout << json.toString() << std::endl;
// {"foo":123.45,"bar":[678,"nine \"ten\""]}

API overview

See jsont.h and jsont.hh for a complete overview of the API, incuding more detailed documentation. Here's an overview:

C++ API namespace jsont

  • Builder build() — convenience builder factory

class Tokenizer

Reads a sequence of bytes and produces tokens and values while doing so.

  • Tokenizer(const char* bytes, size_t length, TextEncoding encoding) — initialize a new Tokenizer to read bytes of length in encoding
  • void reset(const char* bytes, size_t length, TextEncoding encoding) — Reset the tokenizer, making it possible to reuse this parser so to avoid unnecessary memory allocation and deallocation.

Reading tokens

  • const Token& next() throw(Error) — Read next token, possibly throwing an Error
  • const Token& current() const — Access current token

Reading values

  • bool hasValue() const — True if the current token has a value
  • size_t dataValue(const char const** bytes) — Returns a slice of the input which represents the current value, or nothing (returns 0) if the current token has no value (e.g. start of an object).
  • std::string stringValue() const — Returns a copy of the current string value.
  • double floatValue() const — Returns the current value as a double-precision floating-point number.
  • int64_t intValue() const — Returns the current value as a signed 64-bit integer.

Handling errors

  • ErrorCode error() const — Returns the error code of the last error
  • const char* errorMessage() const — Returns a human-readable message for the last error. Never returns NULL.

Acessing underlying input buffer

  • const char* inputBytes() const — A pointer to the input data as passed to reset or the constructor.
  • size_t inputSize() const — Total number of input bytes
  • size_t inputOffset() const — The byte offset into input where the tokenizer is currently at. In the event of an error, this will point to the source of the error.

enum Token

  • End — Input ended
  • ObjectStart — {
  • ObjectEnd — }
  • ArrayStart — [
  • ArrayEnd — ]
  • True — true
  • False — false
  • Null — null
  • Integer — number value without a fraction part (access as int64 through Tokenizer::intValue())
  • Float — number value with a fraction part (access as double through Tokenizer::floatValue())
  • String — string value (access value through Tokenizer::stringValue() et al)
  • FieldName — field name (access value through Tokenizer::stringValue() et al)
  • Error — an error occured (access error code through Tokenizer::error() et al)

enum TextEncoding

  • UTF8TextEncoding — Unicode UTF-8 text encoding

enum Tokenizer::ErrorCode

  • UnspecifiedError — Unspecified error
  • UnexpectedComma — Unexpected comma
  • UnexpectedTrailingComma — Unexpected trailing comma
  • InvalidByte — Invalid input byte
  • PrematureEndOfInput — Premature end of input
  • MalformedUnicodeEscapeSequence — Malformed Unicode escape sequence
  • MalformedNumberLiteral — Malformed number literal
  • UnterminatedString — Unterminated string
  • SyntaxError — Illegal JSON (syntax error)

class Builder

Aids in building JSON, providing a final sequential byte buffer.

  • Builder() — initialize a new builder with an empty backing buffer
  • Builder& startObject() — Start an object (appends a '{' character to the backing buffer)
  • Builder& endObject() — End an object (a '}' character)
  • Builder& startArray() — Start an array ('[')
  • Builder& endArray() — End an array (']')
  • const void reset() — Reset the builder to its neutral state. Note that the backing buffer is reused in this case.


  • Builder& fieldName(const char* v, size_t length, TextEncoding encoding=UTF8TextEncoding) — Adds a field name by copying length bytes from v.
  • Builder& fieldName(const std::string& name, TextEncoding encoding=UTF8TextEncoding) — Adds a field name by copying name.
  • Builder& value(const char* v, size_t length, TextEncoding encoding=UTF8TextEncoding) — Adds a string value by copying length bytes from v which content is encoded according to encoding.
  • Builder& value(const char* v) — Adds a string value by copying strlen(v) bytes from c-string v. Uses the default encoding of value(const char*,size_t,TextEncoding).
  • Builder& value(const std::string& v) — Adds a string value by copying v. Uses the default encoding of value(const char*,size_t,TextEncoding).
  • Builder& value(double v) — Adds a possibly fractional number
  • Builder& value(int64_t v), void value(int v), void value(unsigned int v), void value(long v) — Adds an integer number
  • Builder& value(bool v) — Adds the "true" or "false" atom, depending on v
  • Builder& nullValue() — Adds the "null" atom

Managing the result

  • size_t size() const — Number of readable bytes at the pointer returned by bytes()
  • const char* bytes() const — Pointer to the backing buffer, holding the resulting JSON.
  • std::string toString() const — Return a std::string object holding a copy of the backing buffer, representing the JSON.
  • const char* seizeBytes(size_t& size_out) — "Steal" the backing buffer. After this call, the caller is responsible for calling free() on the returned pointer. Returns NULL on failure. Sets the value of size_out to the number of readable bytes at the returned pointer. The builder will be reset and ready to use (which will act on a new backing buffer).



  • jsont_ctx_t — A tokenizer context ("instance" in OOP lingo.)
  • jsont_tok_t — A token type (see "Token types".)
  • jsont_err_t — A user-configurable error type, which defaults to const char*.

Managing a tokenizer context

  • jsont_ctx_t* jsont_create(void* user_data) — Create a new JSON tokenizer context.
  • void jsont_destroy(jsont_ctx_t* ctx) — Destroy a JSON tokenizer context.
  • void jsont_reset(jsont_ctx_t* ctx, const uint8_t* bytes, size_t length) — Reset the tokenizer to parse the data pointed to by bytes.

Dealing with tokens

  • jsont_tok_t jsont_next(jsont_ctx_t* ctx) — Read and return the next token.
  • jsont_tok_t jsont_current(const jsont_ctx_t* ctx) — Returns the current token (last token read by jsont_next).

Accessing and comparing values

  • int64_t jsont_int_value(jsont_ctx_t* ctx) — Returns the current integer value.
  • double jsont_float_value(jsont_ctx_t* ctx) — Returns the current floating-point number value.
  • size_t jsont_data_value(jsont_ctx_t* ctx, const uint8_t** bytes) — Returns a slice of the input which represents the current value.
  • char* jsont_strcpy_value(jsont_ctx_t* ctx) — Retrieve a newly allocated c-string.
  • bool jsont_data_equals(jsont_ctx_t* ctx, const uint8_t* bytes, size_t length) — Returns true if the current data value is equal to bytes of length
  • bool jsont_str_equals(jsont_ctx_t* ctx, const char* str) — Returns true if the current data value is equal to c string str.

Note that the data is not parsed until you call one of these functions. This means that if you know that a value transferred as a string will fit in a 64-bit signed integer, it's completely valid to call jsont_int_value to parse the string as an integer.


  • uint8_t jsont_current_byte(jsont_ctx_t* ctx) — Get the last byte read.
  • size_t jsont_current_offset(jsont_ctx_t* ctx) — Get the current offset of the last byte read.
  • jsont_err_t jsont_error_info(jsont_ctx_t* ctx) — Get information on the last error.
  • void* jsont_user_data(const jsont_ctx_t* ctx) — Returns the value passed to jsont_create

Token types

  • JSONT_END — Input ended.
  • JSONT_ERR — Error. Retrieve details through jsont_error_info
  • JSONT_TRUE — true
  • JSONT_FALSE — false
  • JSONT_NULL — null
  • JSONT_NUMBER_INT — number value without a fraction part (access through jsont_int_value or jsont_float_value)
  • JSONT_NUMBER_FLOAT — number value with a fraction part (access through jsont_float_value)
  • JSONT_STRING — string value (access through jsont_data_value or jsont_strcpy_value)
  • JSONT_FIELD_NAME — field name (access through jsont_data_value or jsont_strcpy_value)

Further reading

  • See example*.c for working sample programs.
  • See LICENSE for the MIT-style license under which this project is licensed.


A minimal and portable JSON tokenizer for building highly effective and strict parsers (in C and C++)







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