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Releases: rspec/rspec-expectations


18 Feb 06:47
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3.0.0.beta2 Pre-release

3.0.0.beta2 / 2014-02-17

full changelog

Breaking Changes for 3.0.0:

  • Remove deprecated support for accessing the RSpec constant using
    Rspec or Spec. (Myron Marston)
  • Remove deprecated RSpec::Expectations.differ=. (Myron Marston)
  • Remove support for deprecated expect(...).should. (Myron Marston)
  • Explicitly disallow expect { }.not_to change { } with by,
    by_at_least, by_at_most or to. These have never been supported
    but did not raise explicit errors. (Myron Marston)
  • Provide === rather than == as an alias of matches? for
    all matchers. The semantics of === are closer to an RSpec
    matcher than ==. (Myron Marston)
  • Remove deprecated RSpec::Matchers::OperatorMatcher constant.
    (Myron Marston)
  • Make RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError subclass
    Exception rather than StandardError so they can bypass
    a bare rescue in end-user code (e.g. when an expectation is
    set from within a rspec-mocks stub implementation). (Myron Marston)
  • Remove Test::Unit and Minitest 4.x integration. (Myron Marston)


  • Simplify the failure message of the be matcher when matching against:
    true, false and nil. (Sam Phippen)
  • Update matcher protocol and custom matcher DSL to better align
    with the newer expect syntax. If you want your matchers to
    maintain compatibility with multiple versions of RSpec, you can
    alias the new names to the old. (Myron Marston)
    • failure_message_for_should => failure_message
    • failure_message_for_should_not => failure_message_when_negated
    • match_for_should => match
    • match_for_should_not => match_when_negated
  • Improve generated descriptions from change matcher. (Myron Marston)
  • Add support for compound matcher expressions using and and or.
    Simply chain them off of any existing matcher to create an expression
    like expect(alphabet).to start_with("a").and end_with("z").
    (Eloy Espinaco)
  • Add contain_exactly as a less ambiguous version of match_array.
    Note that it expects the expected array to be splatted as
    individual args: expect(array).to contain_exactly(1, 2) is
    the same as expect(array).to match_array([1, 2]). (Myron Marston)
  • Update contain_exactly/match_array so that it can match against
    other non-array collections (such as a Set). (Myron Marston)
  • Update built-in matchers so that they can accept matchers as arguments
    to allow you to compose matchers in arbitrary ways. (Myron Marston)
  • Add RSpec::Matchers::Composable mixin that can be used to make
    a custom matcher composable as well. Note that custom matchers
    defined via RSpec::Matchers.define already have this. (Myron
  • Define noun-phrase aliases for built-in matchers, which can be
    used when creating composed matcher expressions that read better
    and provide better failure messages. (Myron Marston)
  • Add RSpec::Machers.alias_matcher so users can define their own
    matcher aliases. The description of the matcher will reflect the
    alternate matcher name. (Myron Marston)
  • Add explicit be_between matcher. be_between has worked for a
    long time as a dynamic predicate matcher, but the failure message
    was suboptimal. The new matcher provides a much better failure
    message. (Erik Michaels-Ober)
  • Enhance the be_between matcher to allow for inclusive or exclusive
    comparison (e.g. inclusive of min/max or exclusive of min/max).
    (Pedro Gimenez)
  • Make failure message for not_to be #{operator} less confusing by
    only saying it's confusing when comparison operators are used.
    (Prathamesh Sonpatki)
  • Improve failure message of eq matcher when Time or DateTime
    objects are used so that the full sub-second precision is included.
    (Thomas Holmes, Jeff Wallace)
  • Add output matcher for expecting that a block outputs to_stdout
    or to_stderr. (Luca Pette, Matthias Günther)
  • Forward a provided block on to the has_xyz? method call when
    the have_xyz matcher is used. (Damian Galarza)
  • Provide integration with Minitest 5.x. Require
    rspec/expectations/minitest_integration after loading minitest
    to use rspec-expectations with minitest. (Myron Marston)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix wrong matcher descriptions with falsey expected value (yujinakayama)
  • Fix expect { }.not_to change { }.from(x) so that the matcher only
    passes if the starting value is x. (Tyler Rick, Myron Marston)
  • Fix hash diffing, so that it colorizes properly and doesn't consider trailing
    commas when performing the diff. (Jared Norman)
  • Fix built-in matchers to fail normally rather than raising
    ArgumentError when given an object of the wrong type to match
    against, so that they work well in composite matcher expressions like
    expect([1.51, "foo"]).to include(a_string_matching(/foo/), a_value_within(0.1).of(1.5)).
    (Myron Marston)


  • Retain support for RSpec 2 matcher protocol (e.g. for matchers
    in 3rd party extension gems like shoulda), but it will print
    a deprecation warning. (Myron Marston)


18 Feb 06:47
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2.99.0.beta2 Pre-release

2.99.0.beta2 / 2014-02-17

full changelog


  • Deprecate chaining by, by_at_least, by_at_most or to off of
    expect { }.not_to change { }. The docs have always said these are
    not supported for the negative form but now they explicitly raise
    errors in RSpec 3. (Myron Marston)
  • Change the semantics of expect { }.not_to change { x }.from(y).
    In RSpec 2.x, this expectation would only fail if x started with
    the value of y and changed. If it started with a different value
    and changed, it would pass. In RSpec 3, it will pass only if the
    value starts at y and it does not change. (Myron Marston)
  • Deprecate matcher == value as an alias for matcher.matches?(value),
    in favor of matcher === value. (Myron Marston)
  • Deprecate RSpec::Matchers::OperatorMatcher in favor of
    RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::OperatorMatcher. (Myron Marston)
  • Deprecate auto-integration with Test::Unit and minitest.
    Instead, include RSpec::Matchers in the appropriate test case
    base class yourself. (Myron Marston)
  • Deprecate treating #expected on a DSL-generated custom matcher
    as an array when only 1 argument is passed to the matcher method.
    In RSpec 3 it will be the single value in order to make diffs
    work properly. (Jon Rowe)


01 Feb 17:30
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2.14.5 / 2014-02-01

full changelog

Bug fixes

  • Fix wrong matcher descriptions with falsey expected value (yujinakayama)


08 Nov 04:55
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3.0.0.beta1 Pre-release

3.0.0.beta1 / 2013-11-07

full changelog

Breaking Changes for 3.0.0:

  • Remove explicit support for 1.8.6. (Jon Rowe)
  • Remove the deprecated be_close matcher, preferring be_within instead.
    (Sam Phippen)
  • Rename be_true and be_false to be_truthy and be_falsey. (Sam Phippen)
  • Make expect { }.to_not raise_error(SomeSpecificClass, message),
    expect { }.to_not raise_error(SomeSpecificClass) and
    expect { }.to_not raise_error(message) invalid, since they are prone
    to hiding failures. Instead, use expect { }.to_not raise_error (with no
    args). (Sam Phippen)
  • Within RSpec::Matchers.define blocks, helper methods made available
    either via def self.helper or extend HelperModule are no longer
    available to the match block (or any of the others). Instead
    include your helper module and define the helper method as an
    instance method. (Myron Marston)


  • Support do..end style block with raise_error matcher. (Yuji Nakayama)
  • Rewrote custom matcher DSL to simplify its implementation and solve a
    few issues. (Myron Marston)
  • Allow early return from within custom matcher DSL blocks. (Myron
  • The custom matcher DSL's chain can now accept a block. (Myron
  • Support setting an expectation on a raise_error matcher via a chained
    with_message method call. (Sam Phippen)

Bug Fixes:

  • Allow include and match matchers to be used from within a
    DSL-defined custom matcher's match block. (Myron Marston)


  • Using the old :should syntax without explicitly configuring it is deprecated.
    It will continue to work but will emit a deprecation warning in RSpec 3 if
    you do not explicitly enable it. (Sam Phippen)


08 Nov 04:55
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2.99.0.beta1 Pre-release

2.99.0.beta1 / 2013-11-07

full changelog


  • Deprecate have, have_at_least and have_at_most. You can continue using those
    matchers through, or
    you can rewrite your expectations with something like
    expect(your_object.size).to eq(num). (Hugo Baraúna)
  • Deprecate be_xyz predicate matcher when xyz? is a private method.
    (Jon Rowe)
  • Deprecate be_true/be_false in favour of be_truthy/be_falsey
    (for Ruby's conditional semantics) or be true/be false
    (for exact equality). (Sam Phippen)
  • Deprecate calling helper methods from a custom matcher with the wrong
    scope. (Myron Marston)
    • def / extend Helper can be used to add macro methods
      (e.g. methods that call the custom matcher DSL methods), but should
      not be used to define helper methods called from within the DSL
    • def foo / include Helper is the opposite: it's for helper methods
      callable from within a DSL block, but not for defining macros.
    • RSpec 2.x allowed helper methods defined either way to be used for
      either purpose, but RSpec 3.0 will not.


06 Nov 23:40
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2.14.4 / 2013-11-06

full changelog

Bug fixes

  • Make the match matcher produce a diff output. (Jon Rowe, Ben Moss)
  • Choose encoding for diff's more intelligently, and when all else fails fall
    back to default internal encoding with replacing characters. (Jon Rowe)


26 Sep 00:49
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2.14.3 / 2013-09-22

full changelog

Bug fixes

  • Fix operator matchers (should syntax) when method is redefined on target.
    (Brandon Turner)
  • Fix diffing of hashes with object based keys. (Jon Rowe)
  • Fix operator matchers (should syntax) when operator is defined via
    method_missing (Jon Rowe)


15 Aug 05:01
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2.14.2 / 2013-08-14

full changelog

Bug fixes

  • Fix be_<predicate> matcher to not support operator chaining like the
    be matcher does (e.g. be == 5). This led to some odd behaviors
    since be_<predicate> == anything returned a BeComparedTo matcher
    and was thus always truthy. This was a consequence of the implementation
    (e.g. subclassing the basic Be matcher) and was not intended behavior.
    (Myron Marston).
  • Fix change matcher to compare using == in addition to ===. This
    is important for an expression like:
    expect {}.to change { a.class }.from(ClassA).to(ClassB) because
    SomeClass === SomeClass returns false. (Myron Marston)


09 Aug 06:39
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2.14.1 / 2013-08-08

full changelog

Bug fixes

  • Ensure diff output uses the same encoding as the encoding of
    the string being diff'd to prevent Encoding::UndefinedConversionError
    errors (Jon Rowe).


07 Jul 01:54
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2.14.0 / 2013-07-06

full changelog

Bug fixes

  • Values that are not matchers use #inspect, rather than #description for
    documentation output (Andy Lindeman, Sam Phippen).
  • Make expect(a).to be_within(x).percent_of(y) work with negative y
    (Katsuhiko Nishimra).
  • Make the be_predicate matcher work as expected used with expect{...}.to change... (Sam Phippen).

2.14.0.rc1 / 2013-05-27

full changelog


  • Enhance yield_control so that you can specify an exact or relative
    number of times: expect { }.to yield_control.exactly(3).times,
    expect { }.to yield_control.at_least(2).times, etc (Bartek
  • Make the differ that is used when an expectation fails better handle arrays
    by splitting each element of the array onto its own line. (Sam Phippen)
  • Accept duck-typed strings that respond to :to_str as expectation messages.
    (Toby Ovod-Everett)

Bug fixes

  • Fix differ to not raise errors when dealing with differently-encoded
    strings (Jon Rowe).
  • Fix expect(something).to be_within(x).percent_of(y) where x and y are both
    integers (Sam Phippen).
  • Fix have matcher to handle the fact that on ruby 2.0,
    Enumerator#size may return nil (Kenta Murata).
  • Fix expect { raise s }.to raise_error(s) where s is an error instance
    on ruby 2.0 (Sam Phippen).
  • Fix expect(object).to raise_error passing. This now warns the user and
    fails the spec (tomykaira).


  • Deprecate expect { }.not_to raise_error(SpecificErrorClass) or
    expect { }.not_to raise_error("some specific message"). Using
    these was prone to hiding failures as they would allow any other
    to pass. (Sam Phippen and David Chelimsky)