This is a Java-based Graphical User Interface (GUI) Sudoku Solver. It provides an interactive interface for solving Sudoku puzzles. It is written in Java and uses a backtracking algorithm to solve the puzzle.
- A user-friendly GUI that allows input of the Sudoku puzzle.
- The ability to solve any valid Sudoku puzzle.
- Provides a clear message if the puzzle is unsolvable.
- The ability to save and load puzzles from a file.
- Support for different levels of difficulty.
Username : admin1 Password : admin123
acbd1dc3025ed61b0c93d0cb2c18929ee49990ee The Backtracking Algorithm is implemented in the
. It's implemented in the privatesolve
The algorithm starts at line 29:
private static boolean solve(int[][] puzzle, int row, int col) {
First, it checks if we've reached the end of the puzzle:
if (row == 9) {
// All rows have been filled, and the puzzle is solved
return true;
If we've reached the end of a row, it moves to the next row:
if (col == 9) {
// Move to the next row
return solve(puzzle, row + 1, 0);
If the current cell is already filled, it moves to the next cell:
if (puzzle[row][col] != 0) {
// Cell is already filled, move to next cell
return solve(puzzle, row, col + 1);
The core of the algorithm is in the following loop:
for (int value = 1; value <= 9; value++) {
if (isValid(puzzle, row, col, value)) {
puzzle[row][col] = value;
if (solve(puzzle, row, col + 1)) {
return true;
puzzle[row][col] = 0; // Backtrack
This loop tries each value from 1 to 9 in the current cell. If a value is valid (doesn't violate Sudoku rules), it:
- Places the value in the cell
- Recursively tries to solve the rest of the puzzle
- If the recursive call returns true, it means a solution is found
- If not, it backtracks by setting the cell back to 0 and tries the next value
If no value works for this cell, it returns false, which triggers backtracking in the previous recursive call:
return false;
The isValid
method (lines 64-82) checks if placing a value in a specific cell violates any Sudoku rules by checking the row, column, and 3x3 sub-grid.
Another part is
which contains an algorithm for generating Sudoku puzzles. The core of the generation algorithm is contained in the solve
method, which uses a recursive backtracking approach to generate a complete Sudoku solution.
The algorithm starts at line 76:
private boolean solve(int row, int col) {
if (col == 9) {
col = 0;
if (row == 9) {
return true;
This part handles moving to the next row when we reach the end of a column. If we've filled the entire grid (row == 9), we return true as we've found a solution.
if (solution[row][col] != 0) {
return solve(row, col + 1);
If the current cell is already filled (not 0), we move to the next cell.
List<Integer> numbers = generateRandomNumbers();
for (int num : numbers) {
if (isSafe(row, col, num)) {
solution[row][col] = num;
if (solve(row, col + 1)) {
return true;
solution[row][col] = 0;
This is the core of the backtracking algorithm:
- We generate a list of numbers 1-9 in random order.
- For each number, we check if it's safe to place in the current cell.
- If it's safe, we place the number and recursively try to solve the rest of the grid.
- If the recursive call returns true, we've found a solution.
- If not, we remove the number (backtrack) and try the next number.
return false;
If we've tried all numbers and none work, we return false to trigger backtracking.
The isSafe
method (lines 157-159) checks if a number can be placed in a cell without violating Sudoku rules:
private boolean isSafe(int row, int col, int num) {
return !usedInRow(row, num) && !usedInColumn(col, num) && !usedInBox(row - row % 3, col - col % 3, num);
After generating a complete solution, the algorithm removes cells to create the puzzle:
private void removeCells(int difficulty) {
Random rand = new Random();
int cellsToRemove = 81 - difficulty;
while (cellsToRemove > 0) {
int row = rand.nextInt(9);
int col = rand.nextInt(9);
if (puzzle[row][col] != 0) {
int temp = puzzle[row][col];
puzzle[row][col] = 0;
if (!hasUniqueSolution()) {
puzzle[row][col] = temp;
} else {
This method:
- Randomly selects cells to remove.
- Removes a cell's value temporarily.
- Check if the puzzle still has a unique solution.
- If not, it restores the value; if yes, it keeps the cell empty.
- Continues until the desired number of cells are removed.
- A user-friendly GUI that allows input of the Sudoku puzzle.
- The ability to solve any valid Sudoku puzzle.
- Provides a clear message if the puzzle is unsolvable.
- The ability to save and load puzzles from a file.
- Support for different levels of difficulty.
<<<<<<< HEAD
- Clone or download the project from GitHub.
- Open the project in your preferred Java Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
- Add jar files to the classpath if needed.
- Create the database using the provided SQL file.
- Build and run the project from your IDE.
- Run the project.
- Login or Register as a user.
- Enter the values in the empty cells of the Sudoku puzzle in the GUI.
- Click on the "Solve" button to solve the puzzle.
- If the puzzle is solvable, the solved puzzle will be displayed in the GUI.
- A clear message will be displayed in the GUI if the puzzle is unsolvable or has multiple solutions. =======
- Clone or download the project from GitHub.
- Open the project in your preferred Java Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
- Add jar files to the classpath if needed.
- Create the database using the provided SQL file.
- Build and run the project from your IDE.
- Run the project.
- Login or Register as a user.
- Enter the values in the empty cells of the Sudoku puzzle in the GUI.
- Click on the "Solve" button to solve the puzzle.
- If the puzzle is solvable, the solved puzzle will be displayed in the GUI.
- A clear message will be displayed in the GUI if the puzzle is unsolvable or has multiple solutions.
<<<<<<< HEAD
- Improve the algorithm to make it more efficient and faster
- Add a feature to allow users to highlight cells that contain the same value =======
- Improve the algorithm to make it more efficient and faster
- Add a feature to allow users to highlight cells that contain the same value