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Rodrigo Takehara edited this page May 26, 2020 · 2 revisions

Many aspects of the framework use a modified Markdown syntax, here I will cover the default and custom syntax.

Default Syntax

The syntax outlined in John Gruber’s original design document are supported by most markdown editors, this notebook supports most of them, detailed below.


To create a heading, use a # Sign in the beginning of the line, and the entire line will be converted to a heading, you can add as many as 6, each one making the header 1 level smaller, and the heading line should be separated from the rest of the content by one blank line.

For example this:

# Heading 1

## Heading 2

### Heading 3

Becomes this:

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3


To create a paragraph, separate a block of text from another with a blank line, so this is a paragraph.

And this is a new paragraph.

Line Breaks

To create a line break, finish a line with two spaces and press return, this will create a line break.
Like this one.


You can make a text Italic by surrounding a word or more with * signs. And Bold by adding two **. You can add tree *** to Combine them.


To create a blockquote, start a line with a > sign, a space and add your text, you can even have blank lines and other elements inside it.

For example this:

> ##### Blockquote heading 5
> Blank line, **Bold**

Becomes this:

Blockquote heading 5

Blank line, Bold


To create unordered lists by starting a line with a - sign and a space and text, alternatively you can use an * or a + sign, and you can make an indented item adding a tab.

To create ordered lists, use a number (any number) and a . followed by space and text. ordered lists also accept indented items.


- item a
- item b
	- item b1
	- item b2
- item c

1. item 1
1. item 2
	1. item a
	1. item b
1. item 3


  • item a
  • item b
    • item b1
    • item b2
  • item c
  1. item 1
  2. item 2
    1. item a
    2. item b
  3. item 3
Horizontal Rulers

to create an horizontal ruler, add at least tree ---, but you can have as many as you want.




Becomes this:


To make a link, enclose the link text in [] followed by the URL enclosed by (), for example:




You can format links with bold and italic as well.


Similar to links, add a ! before the alt text enclosed with brackets and followed by the image url enclosed in parentheses to place an image. You can also add an = sign followed by a number after the URL to set a custom image size.


![alt text](

![alt text](


alt text

alt text

Escaping Characters

You can add a backlash before a character to escape the following:

Character Name
# Pound Sign
_ Underscore
{ } curly braces
[ ] brackets
( ) parentheses
. dot
| pipe
! exclamation mark
+ plus sign
- minus sign or hyphen

Extended Syntax

Besides the default syntax, this notebook accepts some of the aditional elements, detailed below.


To create a table, separate each cell with |, each row with a new line, and the header from the body with --- for each cell, as the example:

|number   |name    |
|1        |one     |
|2        |two     |
|3        |three   |

Will show as:

number name
1 one
2 two
3 three

you can also use : at the header separator to change table alignment, and spaces to format the raw table to look nice. as the example.


Will show as:

left center right
1 one first
2 two second
3 three third

There are tools like this Tables Generator to aid you to create tables, you can even import from a spreadsheet software.

Striketrough and Underline

Similar to Bold and Italic, you can use two ~ to striketrough or a single _ to underline.

Task lists

To create task lists, add a - followed by brackets with a space between to make a blank checkbox, or an x instead of a space to make a checked checkbox, like the following:

- [ ] unchecked
- [x] checked

Becomes this:

  • unchecked
  • checked

Checking the checkbox will not change it permanently, you have to edit the markdown to make the changes permanent.

Modified Syntax

This notebook also accepts unique elements made to interact with maptools and this framework, detailed below.

Custom Codeblocks

This is similar to the normal codeblock most markdown editors use, but here they are used to display text boxes, as the example:

Codeblock heading

body with elements like:

  • lists
  • Bold text
  • striketrough text


##### Codeblock heading

body with elements like:

- lists
- *Bold* text
- ~~striketrough~~ text

Also unedited text can be added by using code after the tree ticks in the beginning of the codeblock.

Share Images

In MapTool, tokens named "image:(name)" are shortcuts to it's URI, so you can add images using that shortcut. But you can also create an image link to share to other players like an image link, but enclose the word share in parentheses, if you want the target to have an specific size, add an = sign followed by a number.




Dice Roll Links

To create a link to a dice roll, add the text in brackets like a link, then add the text roll followed by a space and the dice roll between quotes. the dice roll accepts attributes, class levels, and flat numbers as well as dices, see the examples:

[1d8+1](roll "1d8+1")

[greatsword](roll "2d6+str")

[life domain healing word](roll "1d4+spell+cleric")




life domain healing word

Notice that the attributes are not rolled, that's because these rolls are coming from a notebook without stats, if they are used in an item, spell or in the character sheet, the bonus will be applied.

Similar to dice rolls, you can make attack rolls replacing the roll text with to hit text, as the exemple:

[weapon melee attack](to hit "4")


[weapon melee attack](to hit "4")

Database Links

To add a link to data inside this framework's database with the following syntax:

[spell](spell "Fireball")
[yip yip](npc "Kobold")
[the first page of this notebook](note "1. Getting Started@Welcome")


spell Greatsword yip yip the first page of this notebook

Notice that if the words in brackets are exactly the same as the name of the item, there is no need to add the name in quotes.

The key words can be:

Data Key
spell cantrip, spell (plural or singular)
equipment equipment or item
features and traits feats
additional features additionalfeats
npc npc, monster, bestiary or statblock
token token, pin

For these types of link, the name must match capitalization or it may not find the link destination correctly.

Also note that to link a note, the quoted text bust be "Name of the chapter" @ "Name of the Notebook", as seen in te exemple. And you can also link to a pin with a similar format: "Name of the Token" @ "Name of the map"


You can include macro functions, for example getPlayerName, if and isGM can display [r:getPlayerName()] [r:if(isGM()==1,"is the GM","is not the GM")].