Decides to which experimental group a member of a population should be assigned.
EenieMeenie is a Ruby gem, and can be installed using gem install eenie_meenie
or by adding the following to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'eenie_meenie', '1.0.0'
When using this gem, you'll be able to:
- Assign as a threshold a number somewhere in the range of (0,1] to each experimental group.
- Assign a threshold of "DO NOT CARE" to any group by passing
instead of a number. - Tell it to which groups a member can be assigned. Any group with a threshold should be included here (otherwise the threshold is pointless).
- Tell it how to scope the member class (tell it which study, if you're using one member class for all studies)
- Specify the population to be used when calculating whether a group's population threshold has been reached.
eenie_meenie users can specify the population using the :members option, e.g.{
member: @some_member,
members: MemberClass.where(something).joins(another),
groups: ["Experimental", "Control"],
group_rules: {
"Experimental" => { threshold: 0.51 },
"Control" => { threshold: 0.51 }
Other examples ...
# Control: Do not care (chosen manually, if ever)
# Experimental A: %50 (randomly assign)
# Experimental B: %50 (randomly assign){
groups: ["Experimental A", "Experimental B"], # EenieMeenie's assignment options
member: @obj, # Member of population
group_rules: {
"Control" => { threshold: false }, # Don't care
"Experimental A" => { threshold: 0.5 }, # No more than 50%
"Experimental B" => { threshold: 0.5 } # No more than 50%
class_rules: { organization_id: 1} # Only consider members belonging to Organization 1
# Control: %33.3 (randomly assign)
# Experimental A: %33.3 (randomly assign)
# Experimental B: %33.3 (randomly assign){
groups: ["Control", "Experimental A", "Experimental B"], # EenieMeenie's assignment options
member: @obj, # Member of population
group_rules: {
"Control" => { threshold: (1.0 / 3.0) }, # No more than one-third
"Experimental A" => { threshold: (1.0 / 3.0) }, # No more than one-third
"Experimental B" => { threshold: (1.0 / 3.0) } # No more than one-third
class_rules: { organization_id: 1} # Only consider members belonging to Organization 1
# Control: %50 (randomly assign)
# Experimental: %50 (randomly assign)
# Experimental A: Do not care (manually assign)
# Experimental B: Do not care (manually assign)
# If "Control" is too full, put them in "Experimental" ...
# Later someone will choose whether they're in "Experimental A" ...
# or in "Experimental B"{
groups: ["Control", "Experimental"], # EenieMeenie's assignment options
member: @obj, # Member of population
group_rules: {
"Control" => { threshold: 0.5 }, # No more than one half
"Experimental" => { threshold: 0.5 }, # No more than one half
"Experimental A" => { threshold: false } # Don't care
"Experimental B" => { threshold: false } # Don't care
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