- make a
file and fill it with:# if you're using R2 then make this your bucket's subdomain... MY_DOMAIN=your.domain.example.org SECRET_ENDPOINT=/RANDOMSTRINGHERE ##################################################################### ### You don't need anything below if you're using old-compose.yml ### ##################################################################### # cloudflared tunnel token # get a token in the cloudflare zerotrust tunnels place (and setup a public hostname to point to http://warp:8888) TUNNEL_TOKEN=123 # s3/r2 bucket things S3_BUCKET=bucket S3_ENDPOINT=https://asdf AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=123 AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=123 # use auto for R2 AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=auto
docker compose up -d
# if you're using R2 then THIS domain should be the one you have setup in the cloudflare zerotrust tunnel
curl -X POST https://your.domain.example.org/RANDOMSTRINGHERE -d "url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaW_jenozKc&startat=3"
# stop the server
docker compose down
# update latest repo changes
git pull
# update caddy
docker compose pull
# mainly this right here because this will update the yt-dlp version...
docker compose build --no-cache dlpy
# start it back up and detach so it runs in the background
docker compose up -d