1.27.0 (2024-06-12)
Bug Fixes
add receivedAt and requestIP in payload [PIPE-1135] (#4764 ) (bc595d5 )
add trackingPlanId label in events_processed_total metric (#4782 ) (9cfeb60 )
bucket boundaries (4568777 )
categorise semi structured datatype for databricks during missing datatype (#4771 ) (b81ee4a )
defining bucket boundaries (#4744 ) (4568777 )
deps: bump the go-deps group across 1 directory with 4 updates (#4748 ) (1857735 )
deps: bump the go-deps group across 1 directory with 5 updates (#4780 ) (1ff62ff )
deps: bump the go-deps group across 1 directory with 5 updates (#4789 ) (5a6bccf )
detect tracker not running (#4792 ) (4565b1f )
event lag metric (follow up) (#4768 ) (b124ce4 )
insert requstIP and receivedAt into the payload [PIPE-1134][PIPE-1135] (#4736 ) (d9884fd )
measure delivery lag in gateway and processor (#4756 ) (c8ba6d8 )
suggest creation or search for linear ticket (#4757 ) (0157b63 )
sync release v1.26.2 to main branch (#4745 ) (2246a6f )
upgrade to go1.22.4 and rudder-go-kit (#4758 ) (e7d0dec )
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