JSON API app built using Ruby on Rails
App generated using this custom Rails Template
Version 1 Features:
- User account creation and update
- Token authentication using
- Request authorization using
- Database search using
- Model and request specs using
- Login using facebook -> thru omniauth
Previously I co-worked on a project that built a full-stack Rails Facebook clone. While that was fun to build, there were lots of limitations posed by my skills in working with JavaScript on Rails. Further, I wanted to utilize the power of React but didn't want to put all logic for Rails and React in one huge application. For this reason I decided to create a shadow application that splits the front and backend.
- Ruby on Rails
- PostgreSQL
- Devise
- Koala
- Pundit
- Jbuilder
- PG Search (for search capability)
- RSpec
- FactoryBot
Follow these steps:
- clone this repo
cd fazebuk-api
Set up credentials
In the terminal run:
$ EDITOR="<code editor name> --wait" rails credentials:edit
it will open up a <filename>.credentials.yml
. In this file include the ff lines:
username: <your local postgres username>
password: <your local postgres password>
Save and close file. The following message should be shown in the terminal after saving and closing:
New credentials encrypted and saved.
Set up database
$ rails db:setup
rails s
Goto localhost:3000
Use either httpie
on the terminal or Postman to do requests
Endpoints (all examples use httpie)
- User Creation
$ http POST :3000/v1/users user:='{"username":"john123", "email":"johnny_bravo@email.org", "first_name":"John", "last_name":"Doe", "password":"password", "password_confirmation":"password"}'
- User data update
# assuming username is john123
$ http PUT :3000/v1/users/john123 user:='{"first_name":"Johnny the Great"}'
- Deleting user
# assuming username is john123
$ http DELETE :3000/v1/users/john123
- Signing in a user through email and password
# assuming user email is johnny_bravo@email.com and password is 'password'
$ http POST :3000/v1/sessions email=johnny_bravo@email.com password=password
- Signing in a user through Facebook/User creation (if user doesn't exist yet)
# for this to work we should have a Facebook access_token
$ http GET :3000/v1/auth/facebook?access_token=<facebook access token here>
### Friendship endpoints
- Sending a friend request
# assuming you are logged in and has a token generated from signing in
# assuming username of user to send request to is 'mildred'
$ http POST :3000/v1/friendships?friend_requested=mildred "Authorization: Bearer <your user token here>"
- Cancelling a friend request
# assuming you are logged in as the same user that sent mildred a request
# you can get the friendship_id thru the rails console
$ http DELETE :3000/v1/friendships/<friendship_id> "Authorization: Bearer <your token here>"
- Confirming a friend request
# assuming now you are logged on as mildred
$ http PUT :3000/v1/friendships/<friendship_id> "Authorization: Bearer <mildred's token here>"
- Rejecting a friend request
# still assuming mildred is logged on
$ http DELETE :3000/v1/friendships/<friendship_id> "Authorization: Bearer <mildred's token here>"
- Checking a user's list of friends
# friends are listed 10 each per page
# to check first 10 friends either include query parameter '?page=<page>' or simply
$ http GET :3000/v1/users/<username of user>/friends "Authorization: Bearer <your token here>"
# to check next 10 friends (on page 2)
$ http GET :3000/v1/users/<username of user>/friends?page=2 "Authorization: Bearer <your token here>"
- Checking your mutual friends with another user
# assuming you wanna see your mutual friends with mildred
# mutual friends are listed 10 per page. you can either specify page=1
# but to check succeeding mutual friends you must specify which page
$ http GET :3000/v1/users/mildred/mutual_friends?page=<page you wanna see> "Authorization: Bearer <your token here>"
- Viewing your newsfeed posts
# assuming you are logged on and have a token
# if page param isn't included then request will go to page 1
$ http GET :3000/v1/newsfeed_posts?page=<which page you wish to view> "Authorization: Bearer <your token>"
- Viewing a user's timeline posts
# assuming you are logged on and have a token
# assuming you want to see timeline posts of rachel
# if page param isnt included then response will default to page 1
$ http GET :3000/v1/users/rachel/timeline_posts?page=<page to view> "Authorization: Bearer <your token>"
- Posting on your or another user's timeline
# assuming you're logged on and have a token
# assuming you are posting on kobe's timeline
$ http POST :3000/v1/posts post:='{"postable"="kobe", "content":"Nice shot!"}' "Authorization: Bearer <your token>"
# in the frontend if you wish to post on your newsfeed just input above your own username in the postable param
- Updating your post
# assuming you are logged on and have a token
# assuming you posted on jill's timeline and you are updating that post
$ http PUT :3000/v1/posts/<id of post> post:='{"postable": "jill", "content": "This is an updated content"}' "Authorization: Bearer <your token here>"
- Deleting your post
# assuming you are logged on and have a token
# assuming you are the owner of the post (if not the response will be an error)
$ http DELETE :3000/v1/posts/<id of post to be deleted> "Authorization: Bearer <your token>"
PRs accepted.
MIT © 2019 Ryan Vergara