This is no longer maintained
You can find an up to date list of all Linode API commands at
Run linode_bash_api -h
for help it will output the following:
Linode Bash API 20110619
-h Help
-v Verbose
-F arg Response format, default json, options wddx or human
-k arg API Key to use
-f arg File to get API key from, key must be the only string on the first line
-c arg The command to run, for a list of commands see
-d arg A quote string containing the data to send in "foo=bar&foo2=bar2" format
-i arg Get data from file if - is used get data from stdin
If -k or -f are ommited or don't provide an API key then the following loctions are checked:
Detiails of commands you can run can be found at
./linode_bash_api -c linode.list
./linode_bash_api -c linode.disk.list -d "linodeid=<id from first step>"
./linode_bash_api -c linode.disk.update -d "linodeid=<id from second step>&diskid=<id from second step>&label=Label&isreadonly=1"
This will set the disk label to "Label" and make the disk read only.
To contirbute to this program please feel free to fork it and submit a pull request or raise an issue. If you feel generous and would like to donate to the project you can send money via paypal to admin {at} rwky {dot} net or flattr me at