This service stores user related information for usage from other services. The user can set up permissions for each field (currently public/private only). This service does have an RMI API only.
- firstName (String)
- lastName (String)
- userImage (String): Reference to an image stored in the file service.
public Map<String, Serializable> get(long agentId, String[] fields)
try {
// Fields you want to read
String[] fields = { "firstName", "lastName", "userImage" };
// RMI call
Object result = Context.getCurrent().invoke(
"", "get",
new Serializable[] { Context.getCurrent().getMainAgent().getId(), fields });
if (result != null) {
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
HashMap<String, Serializable> hashMap = (HashMap<String, Serializable>) result;
} else {
// Error handling
} catch (Exception e) {
// Exception handling
public boolean set(Map<String, Serializable> values)
try {
// Setting parameters
HashMap<String, Serializable> m = new HashMap<String, Serializable>();
m.put("firstName", "first name");
m.put("lastName", "last name");
m.put("userImage", "file service id for user image");
// RMI call
Object result = Context.getCurrent().invoke(
"", "set",
new Serializable[] { m });
if (result != null) {
// Ok
} else {
// Error handling
} catch (Exception e) {
// Exception handling
public Map<String, Boolean> getPermissions(String[] fields)
try {
// Fields you want to read
String[] fields = { "firstName", "lastName", "userImage" };
// RMI call
Object result = Context.getCurrent().invoke(
"", "getPermissions",
new Serializable[] { fields });
if (result != null) {
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
HashMap<String, Serializable> hashMap = (HashMap<String, Serializable>) result;
} else {
// Error handling
} catch (Exception e) {
// Exception handling
public boolean setPermissions(Map<String, Boolean> permissions)
try {
// Setting parameters
// true - public
// false - private
HashMap<String, Boolean> m = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
m.put("firstName", true);
m.put("lastName", true);
m.put("userImage", true);
// RMI call
Object result = Context.getCurrent().invoke(
"", "setPermissions", m);
if (result != null) {
System.out.println("Setting permission: " + ((Boolean) result));
} else {
// Error handling
} catch (Exception e) {
// Exception handling
For detailed documentation read the Javadoc.