The purpose of this extension is to transform a link from one of the popular streaming music services into another. Some people like using spotify, some people like using rdio, some people like using grooveshark. This creates a problem with sharing because though each service has its own 'share song' url not everyone is subscribing and therefore cannot listen. The purpose of this extension is to solve that problem!
Download Here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/jochlpckkpdadehemhehbpambplcogbh
- Enter in a link from either Spotify, Rdio, Grooveshark, or Last.FM.
- Click on the colored button of the music streaming service you prefer. Your original link will be transformed!
- Click or copy the outputted link and enjoy your music.
- Rdio requires oauth authentication.
- Hitting "Enter" on your keyboard will search all services.
Due to a limitation with the Grooveshark API FstFwd only accepts groveshark.com URL and NOT Tinysong urls. However the app will return Tinysong urls.