This harness performs LMBench memory bandwidth and latency benchmarking.
To download these files, first install git:
yum install git
Or if you are using a Debian-based distribution:
apt-get install git
Clone this repository:
git clone
Change directories and run this script:
cd autolmbench/
chmod +x autolmbench
Change to directory where files are, then start benchmarking by issuing the following command:
For a full run:
Customized run:
./autolmbench [OPTIONS...]
Where the options are:
Option | GNU long option | Meaning |
-h | --help | Show this message. |
-p | --prerequisites | Install prerequisites. |
-t [n] | --threads [n] | Override the number of threads to use. |
-i [value] | --iterations [value] | Set the number of iterations. |