Pull the balance of Token A and Token B in your Uniswap V3 Liquidity Pool and check if one of them is below 10% of your total token balance.
Currently, this code only works for the StakeWise sETH2/ETH pool.
This code utilizes Alchemy, which you can get a free account for personal use here https://www.alchemy.com/.
Clone the project:
git clone https://github.com/rzeydelis/uniswap_lp.git
Go to the project folder:
cd uniswap_lp
Set your environment ALCHEMY_ID variable to be the HTTPS link:
export ALCHEMY_ID="<<<Alchemy HTTP Link>>>"
Then run:
python3 main.py
- Implement a way to configure your pool_id, so you don't have to enter it everytime you run the code.
- Implement an alert system (i.e. Telegram, SMTP, etc). This would require setting up a Flask app and some AWS services. If someone is willing to sponsor the services, I can set them up.