I have validated the responses against the API. However, this is STILL IN BETA. Please report any bugs and if you come across any discrepancies, please let me know!
You may use this spec however you like, but please credit me somehow as I spent a lot of time on this 😉
The rapidoc page is intended to be a full replacement for the current documentation, with custom theming and all of the docs from the current documentation site.
The swagger page is for people who want to dig into the OpenAPI specification.
To test out the API with a built-in CORS proxy, go to the rapidoc page and select https://corsproxy.io/?https://api.igdb.com/v4
as the server. Use at your own risk as I do not run the proxy, the people at corsproxy.io do.
- Finish component schemas
- Finish Paths
- Validate against API responses
- Enhance interlinking schemas
- Add Format to data types
- Reorder based on API response
- Add format to numbers (oops)
- Implement Oauth2
- CORS proxy for Try It function - rapidoc
- More/better descriptions of schema items
- Create examples based on response
- OAI 3.1 for Websocket support? (See discussion)
- Theming with IGDB colors - On rapidoc
- Organize with tags?
- Automate JSON generation (spec is written in YAML)
Anything else? Please open a discussion!
You can use Swagger Editor or OpenAPI Generators to generate the following native clients for the API.
- C# - C Sharp
- C# .Net2 - C Sharp DotNet 2
- Dart
- Dynamic HTML
- Go - Golang
- Java
- Javascript
- Jaxrs-cxf
- Kotlin
- OpenAPI
- Python
- R
- Ruby
- Scala
- Swift 3, 4, and 5
- Typescript Angular
- Typescript Axios
- Typescript Fetch
- ada
- android
- apex
- bash
- c
- clojure
- cpp-qt-client
- cpp-restsdk
- cpp-tiny (beta)
- cpp-tizen
- cpp-ue4 (beta)
- crystal (beta)
- csharp
- dart
- dart-dio
- eiffel
- elixir
- elm
- erlang-client
- erlang-proper
- go
- groovy
- haskell-http-client
- java
- java-helidon-client (beta)
- java-micronaut-client (beta)
- javascript
- javascript-apollo-deprecated (deprecated)
- javascript-closure-angular
- javascript-flowtyped
- jaxrs-cxf-client
- jetbrains-http-client (experimental)
- jmeter
- julia-client (beta)
- k6 (beta)
- kotlin
- lua (beta)
- n4js (beta)
- nim (beta)
- objc
- ocaml
- perl
- php
- php-dt (beta)
- php-nextgen (beta)
- powershell (beta)
- python
- python-pydantic-v1
- r
- ruby
- rust
- scala-akka
- scala-gatling
- scala-pekko
- scala-sttp
- scala-sttp4 (beta)
- scalaz
- swift-combine
- swift5
- typescript (experimental)
- typescript-angular
- typescript-aurelia
- typescript-axios
- typescript-fetch
- typescript-inversify
- typescript-jquery
- typescript-nestjs (experimental)
- typescript-node
- typescript-redux-query
- typescript-rxjs
- xojo-client
- zapier (beta)