Also called "Dots and boxes", "carrés magiques" or "pipo-pipette" in France.
git clone
# Start Express.Js and Socket.IO backend
cd backend
npm install
npm start
# Start React.Js frontend (in another terminal)
cd frontend
npm install
npm start
The goal of this project is to provide a scaling platform to create two player games for the Square Game. All the game logic is stored in the front-end and the backend is only responsible for the socket communication between players.
The creator of the game as only to give a short link to his friend to start playing.
For the backend, I used Express.Js with socket.IO to handle asynchronous events when a move is made and avoiding having a frontend constantly calling the backend to look for an update of the game state.
For the frontend, I mainly used React.js as well as react-color and react-konva to handle the grid game rendering.
Thanks to Jack He for his chessgame project which gave me the inspiration to start implementing the Square Game for this project.