Currently, an implementation of OAuth protocol v1.0A. We plan to add OAuth 2.0 support in the near future
Because rust_oauth
is http-library agnositc, you need to use a callback function to send a request.
For the sake of brevity, only this example will only work with the curl
There are more examples in tests/
extern crate rust_oauth;
extern crate curl;
fn main() {
use std::str;
let mut s = Session::new
"k0azC44q2c0DgF7ua9YZ6Q", // consumer_key
"omqK3feYaKOBgZajh7pqe5AU7oDkmTjLtf1p08ro1M", // consumer_secret
"119544186-6YZKqkECA9Z0bxq9bA1vzzG7tfPotCml4oTySkzj", // token
"zvNmU9daj9V00118H9KQBozQQsZt4pyLQcZdc", // token_secret
SignatureMethod::HMACSHA1, // signature_method
rust_curl_callback, // found in [tests/]
let resp = s.request(HTTPMethod::GET, "",
vec![("screen_name", "twitterapi"), ("count", "2")]);
println!("{}", str::from_utf8(resp.get_body()));
// {
// "created_at":"Mon Feb 02 23:13:24 +0000 2015",
// "id":562388344962052096,
// "id_str":"562388344962052096",
// ...
// }
use curl::http;
use rust_oauth::crypto::SignatureMethod;
use rust_oauth::oauth1::client::session::Session;
use rust_oauth::oauth1::client::{HTTPMethod, AuthorizationHeader, concat};
fn rust_curl_callback(session: Session<http::response::Response>, method: HTTPMethod,
url: &str, data: Vec<(&str, &str)>) -> http::response::Response {
let to_pair = | (key, value) : (&str, &str) | -> String { format!("{}={}", key, value) };
let header = session.get_header();
println!("header:\n\n{}\n\n", header);
// combine all data into url format (add equals signs and )
let url_data = concat(data.into_iter().map(to_pair).collect::<Vec<String>>().as_slice(), "&");
println!("url: \n\n{}\n\n", url_data);
.get(format!("{}?{}", url, url_data)).header("Authorization", header.as_slice())
- Simplify sending OAuth 1.0A requests with any http library
- We've taken care of signing requests and creating a header
- Provide a url, data and a callback function and you're good to go!
Use rust_oauth
by adding the following to your Cargo.toml
git = ""
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- Source Code:
- Have any ideas? Add an issue on github!
If you are having problems, please add an issue on github
The project is released under the MIT license