A web-application to help unify and streamline the communication and collaboration between students, clubs, universities, and organizations. This software not only aims to bridge these gap solely on a particular university, but also on a large scale that includes such communication and collaboration with other universities.
- Registration and verification of all entities
- Profile update
- Joining of clubs.
- Pariticipate in competitions/events.
- Keep track of the clubs they are in.
- Online Recruitment.
- Organize competitions/events.
- PR Announcements (aided by LLMs).
- HR Serives.
- Treasury Services.
- Promote/assign club roles.
- Create/delete clubs.
- Check the treasury of all clubs.
- Assign budget to clubs.
- Collaborate with clubs on competitions/events.
- Assign budget to clubs.
- ReactJS (with Typescript)
- Spring Boot (server)
- MySQL (database)
- Python + Langchain (AI Services)
The project is not accepting any kind of contributions.
© Quest Aid by Sadia Ahmmed, S M Jishanul Islam 2023