This is the code corresponding our paper "Fast and Regularized Reconstruction of Building Fa\c{c}ades from Street-View Images using Binary Integer Programming" submitted to ISPRS2020 Congress.
The only requirement is Mosek, which has a free one-year trial version for academic use.
represents the path of the original box file, OUT_PATH
represents the output path of the box after regularization.The file suffix is .xywh
, it means each line in the file represents the coordinates of the upper left corner point, the width of the box and the height of the box. delta_x
, delta_y
, delta_w
, delta_h
represent the step size of the pre-clustering, alpha_x
, alpha_y
, alpha_w
, alpha_h
represent each weight, you should change the values of these parameters to get the result you want.
std::vector<double> x, y, w, h, X, Y, W, H;
std::vector<int> r;
auto s1 = read_file(IN_PATH);
get_xywh(s1, x, y, w, h);
N = x.size();
m = X.size();
n = Y.size();
m_ = W.size();
n_ = H.size();
pre_cluster(x, X, delta_x);
pre_cluster(y, Y, delta_y);
pre_cluster(w, W, delta_w);
pre_cluster(h, H, delta_h);
regularize(x, y, w, h, X, Y, W, H, r);
write_file(X, Y, W, H, r, OUT_PATH);
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