This library is created because original library has dangerous
behaviour when putting null value. For example, in the code
following, if getMachineType
is null
, it will throws
private static final Gauge machineGauge ="northwind_pending_job", "Total pending job")
// Throws NullPointerException!
This may seems trivial. You may want to change the getMachineType()
signature to not return null. However, you can add arbitrary number
of labels, even with wrong number of defined label. This code
does not return compile error:
private static final Gauge machineGauge ="northwind_pending_job", "Total pending job")
.labelNames("machine_type", "job_type")
// Throws NullPointerException! It requres job_type, the second
// label. Meanwhile, we only define 1 label.
It is very easy to add or remove any label. However, that may lead to NullPointerException. You may consider to use Checkstyle or similar static-type tools. However, the original idea of this library is we don't want to add more tools into our buildchain.
In SafePrometheus, this results in compile error:
private static final GaugeWith1Label machineGauge =
SafeGauge.createWith2Label("northwind_pending_job", "Total pending job");
// the `inc` method is now requires two label parameters., getJobType());
// Valid
In SafePrometheus, this does not yield exception:, null);
// Will results Prometheus metrics: northwind_pending_job{machine_type="production-cluster", job_type="null"}
This document is valid for Safeprometheus version 1.0.0.
Maven: Put this in your pom.xml
For Gradle, SBT, and other build tools, please refer to the Maven page.
prometheus/client_java version base | safeprometheus/client_java version |
0.8.0 | 1.0.1 |
If you never use the original prometheus/client_java, please refer to original documentation.
For gauge and counter, simply put the label name/value when creating/
observing. Use SafeGauge
and SafeCounter
class. Refer to example
below for the equivalent syntax.
Gauge gaugeOriginal =, help).labelNames(label1, label2).create().register();
GaugeWith2Label original = SafeGauge.createWith2Label(name, help, label1, label2);
For Histogram, you can build directly with default buckets. Or, you can put your own preferred bucket list.
// Default buckets
HistogramWithNoLabel histogram = SafeHistogram.builder().buildWithNoLabel(name, help);
// Your own bucket
HistogramWithNoLabel histogram =
.buckets(0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 10.0, 30.0)
.buildWithNoLabel(name, help);
For Summary, you need to specify quantile and errors. Otherwise, it will result in no metrics displayed. No exception will be thrown.
Summary summaryOriginal ="summaryTest", "the help")
.quantile(1.0d, 0.1d)
.quantile(0.9d, 0.1d)
.quantile(0.5d, 0.1d)