is a publicly available code-base for modelling galaxy formation in a
cosmological context. A description of the model and its default calibration
results can be found in Croton et al. (2016).
is a significant update to that previously used in Croton et al. (2006).
is written in C and was built to be modular and customisable.
It will run on any N-body simulation whose trees are organised in a supported format and contain a minimum set of basic halo properties.
For testing purposes, treefiles for the mini-Millennium Simulation are available
Galaxy formation models built using SAGE
on the Millennium, Bolshoi and simulations can be downloaded at the
Theoretical Astrophysical Observatory (TAO). You can also find SAGE on
should compile on most systems out of the box and the only required tool is a C99 compiler.
GSL is recommended but not necessary.
can be installed by cloning the GitHub repository:
$ git clone $ cd sage-model/
To create the SAGE
executable, simply run the following command:
$ make
is MPI compatible which can be enabled setting USE-MPI = yes
the Makefile
. To run in parallel, ensure that you have a installed an MPI distribution (OpenMPI, MPICH, Intel MPI etc).
When compiling with MPI support, the Makefile
expects that the MPI compiler is called mpicc
and is configured appropriately.
Addtionally, SAGE
can be configured to read trees in HDF5 format by setting
USE-HDF5 = yes
in the Makefile
. If the input trees are in HDF5 format, or you wish to output the catalogs in HDF5 (rather than the default binary format), then please compile with the USE-HDF5 = yes
If this the first time running the code, we recommend executing
. This script will initialize the directories for the default
parameter file and download the Mini-millennium dark matter halo trees:
$ ./
After this, the model can be run using:
$ ./sage input/millennium.par
or in parallel as:
$ mpirun -np <NUMBER_PROCESSORS> ./sage input/millennium.par
If you already have Python 3 installed, you can switch to the plotting directory, where you will find two scripts,
(for z=0 results) and
(for higher redshift results).
If you're following the above, these scripts can run as-is to produce a series of figures you can use to check the model output.
$ cd plotting/ $ python3 $ python3
Near the top of both scripts, there is a "USER OPTIONS" section where you can modify the simulation and plotting details for your own needs.
These scripts can be used as a template to read the hdf5 SAGE
model output and to make your own custom figures.
We have a separate sage-analysis python package for plotting SAGE
output. Please refer to the sage_analysis
documentation for more details.
$ cd ../ # <- Change to the location where you want to clone the sage-analysis repo $ git clone $ cd sage-analysis
You may need to first create a Python virtual environment in your sage-analysis directory and source it:
$ python3 -m venv .sage_venv $ source .sage_venv/bin/activate
Then finish installing sage-analysis:
$ python3 -m pip install -e . # Install the sage-analysis python package $ cd ../sage-model
Assuming that the sage-analysis repo was installed successfully, you are now ready to plot the output from SAGE
The plotting
directory contains an
script that can be run to plot the basic output from SAGE
$ cd plotting/ $ python3
This will create a number of plots in the plotting/plots/
directory. Please refer to the sage_analysis
documentation for a thorough guide on how
to tweak the plotting script to suit your needs.
If you use SAGE in a publication, please cite the following items:
@ARTICLE{2016ApJS..222...22C, author = {{Croton}, D.~J. and {Stevens}, A.~R.~H. and {Tonini}, C. and {Garel}, T. and {Bernyk}, M. and {Bibiano}, A. and {Hodkinson}, L. and {Mutch}, S.~J. and {Poole}, G.~B. and {Shattow}, G.~M.}, title = "{Semi-Analytic Galaxy Evolution (SAGE): Model Calibration and Basic Results}", journal = {\apjs}, archivePrefix = "arXiv", eprint = {1601.04709}, keywords = {galaxies: active, galaxies: evolution, galaxies: halos, methods: numerical}, year = 2016, month = feb, volume = 222, eid = {22}, pages = {22}, doi = {10.3847/0067-0049/222/2/22}, adsurl = {}, adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System} }
Questions and comments can be sent to Darren Croton:
- Jacob Seiler (@jacobseiler)
- Manodeep Sinha (@manodeep)
- Darren Croton (@darrencroton)