Tkinter is a standard GUI Python library that is one of the fastest and easiest ways to build GUI applications.
gTTS (Google Text-to-Speech) is a Python library, which is a very easy library that converts the text into audio.
The playsound module is used to play audio files. With this module, we can play a sound file with a single line of code.
root = Tk()
root.configure(bg='ghost white')
root.title("TEXT TO SPEECH")
- Tk() to initialized tkinter which will be used for GUI
- geometry() used to set the width and height of the window
- configure() used to access window attributes
- bg will used to set the color of the background
- title() set the title of the window
Label(root, text = "TEXT_TO_SPEECH", font = "arial 20 bold", bg='white smoke').pack()
Label(text ="Avi", font = 'arial 15 bold', bg ='white smoke' , width = '20').pack(side = 'bottom')
Msg = StringVar()
Label(root,text ="Enter Text", font = 'arial 15 bold', bg ='white smoke').place(x=20,y=60)
entry_field = Entry(root, textvariable = Msg ,width ='50'),y=100)
Label() widget is used to display one or more than one line of text that users can’t able to modify.
- root is the name which we refer to our window
- text which we display on the label
- font in which the text is written
- pack organized widget in block
- Msg is a string type variable
- Entry() used to create an input text field
- textvariable used to retrieve the current text to entry widget
- place() organizes widgets by placing them in a specific position in the parent widget
filename = 1
def Text_to_speech():
global filename
Message = entry_field.get()
speech = gTTS(text = Message) + '.mp3')
playsound(str(filename) + '.mp3')
filename += 1
- Message variable will stores the value of entry_field
- text is the sentences or text to be read.
- lang takes the language to read the text. The default language is English.
- slow use to reads text more slowly. The default is False.
As we want the default value of lang, so no need to give that to gTTS.
- speech stores the converted voice from the text
- + '.mp3') will saves the converted file as a mp3 file and each time the Text_to_speech() function will execute the filename number will increased by 1 to solve the duplicate filename problem.
- playsound() used to play the sound
def Exit():
root.destroy() will quit the program by stopping the mainloop().
def Reset():
Reset function set Msg variable to empty strings.
Button(root, text = "PLAY", font = 'arial 15 bold' , command = Text_to_speech ,width = '4').place(x=25,y=140)
Button(root, font = 'arial 15 bold',text = 'RESET', width = '6' , command = Reset).place(x=100 , y = 140)
Button(root, font = 'arial 15 bold',text = 'EXIT', width = '4' , command = Exit, bg = 'OrangeRed1').place(x=250 , y = 140)
Button() widget used to display button on the window.
root.mainloop() is a method that executes when we want to run our program.
- Sound