this extension enables you to generate reports to show your module dependencies using MaDGe - Module Dependency Graph -
Once installed you can search for module dependencies and module circular-dependencies by highlighting a source folder in your own project. This will present to context menu options - List Dependencies and Find Circular Dependencies. Once results are reported you can further your analysis and select a given module in the results list that on 'click' will invoke the 'search for modules that depend on this module_id' method - giving you a list of dependent modules (or a message saying none exist).
Use Brackets "File -> Install Extension" tool
UPDATE - the GraphVis functionality has been disabled while we research a bug involving caching images. sahlas/brackets-node-madge issue #4
NOTE about GraphVis: when you have GraphVis installed we'll also generate "png" graph images for a single view. I installed GraphVis from GraphVis attributes and properties are configurable from the config.json file GraphVis functionality has been tested on Mac OS X at this time
- List Dependencies - in the project panel select a folder you want to analyze. Choose List Dependencies for the folder and brackets-node-madge will analyze it for the formats "cjs" for Common JS and "amd" for Async Module Definitions.
- Find Circular Dependencies - like List Dependencies but reports on any circular dependencies for both "cjs" and "amd" formats
- Further your analysis and select a given module in the results list that on 'click' will invoke the 'search for modules that depend on this module_id' method - giving you a list of dependent modules (or a message saying none exist).
- Opening modules - you can open a given module found in the list by double-clicking the result. This will open the module and add it to the Brackets 'Working Files' list.
This extension includes "node-madge" a MaDGe - Module Dependency Graph tool provided by The brackets extension combines many of the cli commands and presents results in an aggregate fashion in a panel with table views for both "cjs" and "amd".
I'm working on a better layout with tabs and tree controls to better navigate the results
- 5/2 - initial checkin
- 5/7 - fixed JSLint issues, fixed bugs in main.js and node/MadgeDomain.js
- 5/10 - fixed issue #1; disabled GraphVis for issue #4